Stephen A Smith 'All Lives Matter' Tweet


Golden Knight
Apr 24, 2003
I do not always agree with him, especially on sports.. But I think he may be correct on his point he tried to make.

"I didn't hear Gov. Martin O'Malley's interview. And I'm not debating the significance of "Black Lives Matter." I'm a BLACK MAN! I know this.
Nor am I focusing on O'Malley's words or context itself. That's really not the issue to me.
The issue is: as much as attention was so desperately aimed towards "Black Lives Matter," where is all this noise when Black folks are getting killed in our communities every single day? Does it only matter when we're getting killed OUTSIDE OF OUR COMMUNITY, by folks who look differently than us?
That was my point. It IS my point. It will REMAIN my point. And I'm not changing my position one bit.
Whatever context O'Malley made in saying "All Lives Matter" is his issue to deal with. The same could be said for Hillary Rodham-Clinton when she alluded to that weeks ago. But it still does not negate the point that if we've reached a point where a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE is forced to apologize and engage in clarification when choosing to say "ALL LIVES MATTER" -- while a few Black Folks are allowed to reign terror throughout our own community by killing one another with nary a word said about it, then the problems that truly permeate the Black Community will never be resolved.
It's the truth. Deal with it.
No Black Man with a soul would dream of attacking the movement that is "Black Lives Matter." I'm certainly not doing any such thing. I never will.
Just make sure I hear #BlackLivesMatter ALL the time.
Specifically, when we're getting killed by one another."
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Ah but its who's black life that it is that matters.

Roy Larry Lee had his life sentence commuted by Obama last week because he was a "non violent" drug offender. That almost makes it sound like he was just selling a little weed on the corner and was busted by the cops. In reality Roy Larry Lee brother "Wonder Man" Robert Lee and his family INTRODUCED crack cocaine to southwest Florida and mainly St. Petersburg in the early 80's. Here is just a bit of their resume:

"They ruled by fear...there were shootings and beatings and stuff occurring in the street," Celona said.

Pastor Wayne Thompson, a lifelong resident of St. Petersburg, confirms that. "Elderly people had to stay in homes, working people had to guard themselves in terms of how they moved in and out of their homes," he said.

Addictions and "crack babies" became new, unfunded challenges. "It's just all of that was happening so fast, so quick, and it just seemed like there was no stemming the tide of its presence," the pastor said.

This is just one guy he let out from St. Petersburg, there were two others. These were drug lords, kingpins that destroyed a large part of a generation of the city in south St. Pete yet he is a non violent criminal. Yup, all lives matter, BS.
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I am shocked that the Charlotte Observer actually ran this op-ed.

Let’s list major problems affecting black Americans. Topping the list is the breakdown in the black family, where only a third of black children are raised in two-parent households. Actually, the term “breakdown” is incorrect. Families do not form in the first place. Nationally, there is a black illegitimacy rate of 72 percent. Blacks constitute more than 50 percent of murder victims – roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered each year. Ninety-five percent of the time, the perpetrator is another black. If a black youngster does graduate from high school, it is highly likely that he can read, write and compute no better than a white eighth-grader.

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I am shocked that the Charlotte Observer actually ran this op-ed.

Let’s list major problems affecting black Americans. Topping the list is the breakdown in the black family, where only a third of black children are raised in two-parent households. Actually, the term “breakdown” is incorrect. Families do not form in the first place. Nationally, there is a black illegitimacy rate of 72 percent. Blacks constitute more than 50 percent of murder victims – roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered each year. Ninety-five percent of the time, the perpetrator is another black. If a black youngster does graduate from high school, it is highly likely that he can read, write and compute no better than a white eighth-grader.

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I am shocked that the Charlotte Observer actually ran this op-ed.

Let’s list major problems affecting black Americans. Topping the list is the breakdown in the black family, where only a third of black children are raised in two-parent households. Actually, the term “breakdown” is incorrect. Families do not form in the first place. Nationally, there is a black illegitimacy rate of 72 percent. Blacks constitute more than 50 percent of murder victims – roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered each year. Ninety-five percent of the time, the perpetrator is another black. If a black youngster does graduate from high school, it is highly likely that he can read, write and compute no better than a white eighth-grader.

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Racists!!!!!! Get those "facts" outt a here!
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I am shocked that the Charlotte Observer actually ran this op-ed.

Let’s list major problems affecting black Americans. Topping the list is the breakdown in the black family, where only a third of black children are raised in two-parent households. Actually, the term “breakdown” is incorrect. Families do not form in the first place. Nationally, there is a black illegitimacy rate of 72 percent. Blacks constitute more than 50 percent of murder victims – roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered each year. Ninety-five percent of the time, the perpetrator is another black. If a black youngster does graduate from high school, it is highly likely that he can read, write and compute no better than a white eighth-grader.

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Add to that though that the media, blacks and whites all subject an articulate black man to things like he isn't black enough or he is well spoken for a black guy or he sold out. Look at Brahman for example. We all joke that he is the whitest guy we know with his unhealthy obsession with space. What we should be saying is that he is the worst mod ever and shouldn't be having so many nerdgasms listening to Elon Musk interviews.
Add to that though that the media, blacks and whites all subject an articulate black man to things like he isn't black enough or he is well spoken for a black guy or he sold out. Look at Brahman for example. We all joke that he is the whitest guy we know with his unhealthy obsession with space. What we should be saying is that he is the worst mod ever and shouldn't be having so many nerdgasms listening to Elon Musk interviews.
I've commented several times that he's the worst mod ever. So has usfsucks.

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