Straight talk about COVID


Silver Knight
Gold Member
Jul 2, 2001
No sure many if you know I live two miles from WH. I always find it interesting how when you interact with the actual players just how matter of fact it is and how you actually get objective discussions and truth. I like this board which has a few people getting sensationalized information from news media that is making money by promoting a certain viewpoint. 95% on here have or are gaslighting topics and completely blind.

Here is a report from the ER by one of my Republican colleagues. Worth reading. INOVA is one of the best In The country and I can only imagine how it’s going for less than stellar services. Point is it’s real. It’s also confusing and messy.
Took someone to the ER with a broken wrist two nights ago after they tripped over their dog.
We’re at the INOVA Fairfax ER. Only one other person sitting in the ER waiting area. Got through triage quickly and minutes later in for some ex-rays.
Your temperature is measured and you’re given a fresh mask before entering the hospital. They “do NOT want us wearing gloves.”
We’re told that one side of the ER is COVID and the other is not. We later learn that’s not the case. We’re mingled.
This “not COVID” side isn’t very busy but there’s a definite difference in the demeanor of the staff. Masked nurses, doctors and support staff discuss the same sort of social distancing life as the rest of us. One doctor’s wife is expecting a baby. He speaks of their ultrasound earlier today and how the protocol was different and how they’re dealing with social distancing etc.
A couple (2) of the staff aren’t wearing their masks. I wonder if they’ve tested for antibodies or have some other knowledge and ask one of the nurses not wearing her mask. She says “it hurts her face after a while”. Keep in mind, it’s not busy right midnight. People aren’t going to the ER as much.

I’m asking questions and there’s some hesitant answers.
“We’ve been busy” says one. “We’ve been well stocked on PPE” says another. (Fairfax County and INOVA runs well resourced anyway) One nurse told us we were separated from COVID patients. Moments later a doctor tells us otherwise. That they are taking precautions but the patients and staff are mingled. “It’s as risky as going to the grocery store” said the triage nurse.
I asked the doctor how they’re treating COVID patients, what meds and treatments etc. she says “they’re protocol is changing all the time.”

Another doctor walks by. I ask another question. I ask how many patients are you seeing come in daily with COVID? “I only know what the daily email which today said about a hundred but that’s for the entire INOVA network.” (It’s vast. But “I want a number for here where I’m sitting”, I wanted to say.)

I asked a doctor if it were primarily senior citizens dying from COVID. She said “...actually it’s more 30’s to 40’s...” “I’ve never intubated more patients in my entire career.”

Basically, getting straight answers at the ER last night was the same as changing the TV channel. Different perspectives all around. We are not sure what exactly is going on and nor do they. Another reason to err on the side of caution for now. Doctors and nurses are cautious. However, they didn’t strike me as the type to wear a mask in every situation. Fevers are checked first. Then things lightened up.

Follow up the following day with the Ortho was similar. Fewer patients with “chronics using video chat.” Masks on then off. Cautious however to a point.

Looks like two small fractures in the wrist.

Stay home when you can! If they don’t know than we won’t know.

(Fairfax INOVA is in North Virginia. Other hospitals I hear have had surges and others less.) #unknown territory
I asked you a very specific question.

Did you read the Heather Cox writeup and if so what did you disagree with? If you want a productive discussion then let’s have it.

What makes you think I read this or any of the other novels you cut and paste? Wake up.