As an ninth generation Kentuckian (transplanted to Okietown) I could really do without the Kentucky Derby being another excuse for rich white girls to buy new dresses and shoes, drink horribly bad mint juleps and post selfies. And the guys that go to those events in pink polo oxfords and bowties should be shot. What people actually wear to the Derby and what a 2006 Auburn grad thinks people wear to the Derby are two different things. Its quickly becoming an event for bars to have another excuse to hawk liquor and people 5 years out of college to throw a theme party so they can relive their their sorority days. Pretty soon it will be a month long event like Mardi Gras at Universal, instead of what it was meant to be -- a horse race. And if you are a rich white person -- a reason to throw a party the night before to welcome native Kentuckians back home who come back just for the horse race. Seriously, its no different an American tradition than the gdayn Indy 500, but you don't see Brittany, Tiffany, and Reagan chugging milk down their dress over Memorial Day. Enough already.