Texas winter storm


Todd's Tiki Bar
Feb 18, 2007
Looks like Texas is going to get a taste of winter, hope anyone there is prepared.

In completely unrelated news ted Cruz just re-downloaded Spanish Duolingo for some reason.
3rd World State with a massive ego and crappy weather , ice storms and oppressive heat in the summers
Currently 70,000 without power, and my guess that number is going to go up. Hopefully it wont be as bad as last year, but at somepoint people have to start voting these incompetent politicians out.
Currently 70,000 without power, and my guess that number is going to go up. Hopefully it wont be as bad as last year, but at somepoint people have to start voting these incompetent politicians out.
I believe that it would take a referendum to be able to get Texas onto the national grids, so it isn't politicians standing in the way.

Holy shit

This is a real tweet. Jesus fücking Christ what the fück is wrong with the republican party? This human shitstain ran away from his own state while people were dying and now makes a joke about it?

I got a lot of family in Texas . They love it there. Don't like Texas, don't visit or move there . It's that simple . Weird how all those Californians moved there in droves .Elon Musk moved there .Yah, that state must suck .

As far as the travel habits of politicians , I just don't give two cents . So what he was in Cancun during a hard freeze . You don't think Pelosi or Schmuck Shumer don't travel in the winter? Obama went to Hawaii a lot in the winter . What ever . You are a fool or lying to yourself that all these politicians do idiot stuff, none of them are poor and they can go where ever they want.

One guy isn't fixing the power situation in Texas . One, they shut down a vital nuclear plant and two they are building a ton of wind farms . Had that nuclear power plant been on line a fraction of those outages would have occurred.

Nuclear energy is green, it can power our nation and for some reason everyone is turning their back on it. No one ,not one person, has died from working at a nuclear power plant, as result from servicing one or from any accident at one. People die yearly servicing wind turbines. We spend billions training our nuclear navy and have a competent work force who could operate civilian power systems . but we hyper regulate them . Some of for good reason. We should be building more nuclear power plants not less.