And, no, @barrister1602 your exs' vaginas do not count.
-11 air temp, -30 wind chill, Amarillo, TX 2005.
-11 air temp, -30 wind chill, Amarillo, TX 2005.
Honestly, when it gets below, say 15 degrees, it almost doesn't feel any colder as the temperature drops. Stuff just freezes faster. It could be 15 or -15, and it feels the same - just brutally, painfully cold. At -40, your spit freezes before it hits the ground.
That -20 degree day in Cleveland was the straw that broke the camel's back for me to move to FL. I was done with Ohio after that.I live in FL to stay away from the cold.
Your mom is one of my exs. You can call me "Daddy"And, no, @barrister1602 your exs' vaginas do not count.
-11 air temp, -30 wind chill, Amarillo, TX 2005.
For me it was the Liberty Bowl (the first time), vs. Miss. State.
This. It got down into the -15 area at night and -70 wind chill. They were arresting the homeless people for their own protection.-4 in Chicago, 1998. Days before the blizzard that dropped 21 inches of snow overnight (so obviously it "warmed up").
Fun fact: your nose stops running at that temperature. No tissue needed.