The crappy Nike contract strikes again


Golden Knight
May 29, 2001
Flipping between channels I saw that Indiana State is wearing our jerseys and pants template against Purdue. Same shoulder/pants stripes but in a different color and different number font.

It's pathetic that an FCS team is now wearing what we have. Just shows how outdated our unis are considering that lower division teams usually get older templates.
It's all about the jersey's! We should just hold a fashion show each weekend instead of playing football.
Why don't we wear gold helmets anymore? What happened to our black jerseys? Why did we let GOL change our school colors to white and gold?
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Let's get rid of Nike like Miami. They went from one of the nicer to one of the worst unis. Sure they're getting paid but damn they look bad.
Our unis and colors are about as boring as they get.
Flipping between channels I saw that Indiana State is wearing our jerseys and pants template against Purdue. Same shoulder/pants stripes but in a different color and different number font.

It's pathetic that an FCS team is now wearing what we have. Just shows how outdated our unis are considering that lower division teams usually get older templates.