The trestle’s clearance is about two feet lower than the minimum for standard-sized trucks. When one can’t clear it, Mr. Henn says, “it can be pretty spectacular.”
His online followers apparently agree: His most popular clips have more than a million views. Mr. Henn’s online store sells chunks the bridge has carved off trucks; he calls it “crash art.”
The bridge’s victims include box trucks, flatbed trucks and hay trucks.
Trucks have their tops scraped, ripped, rolled like sardine-can lids and folded like accordions. Camping trailers and buses lose their air-conditioning units. Some trucks do wheelies, their front tires lifting when the bridge stops their tops.
Local rental companies alert drivers to it when they hand over truck keys, especially because insurance generally doesn’t cover the overhead damage. “We warn people all the time to avoid that area,” says a spokesman for Avis Budget Group Inc.’s area office.
The trestle’s clearance is about two feet lower than the minimum for standard-sized trucks. When one can’t clear it, Mr. Henn says, “it can be pretty spectacular.”
His online followers apparently agree: His most popular clips have more than a million views. Mr. Henn’s online store sells chunks the bridge has carved off trucks; he calls it “crash art.”
The bridge’s victims include box trucks, flatbed trucks and hay trucks.
Trucks have their tops scraped, ripped, rolled like sardine-can lids and folded like accordions. Camping trailers and buses lose their air-conditioning units. Some trucks do wheelies, their front tires lifting when the bridge stops their tops.
Local rental companies alert drivers to it when they hand over truck keys, especially because insurance generally doesn’t cover the overhead damage. “We warn people all the time to avoid that area,” says a spokesman for Avis Budget Group Inc.’s area office.