The Knighted Ones - Ep. 52: UCONN Invites Themselves To Our Big 12 Party!?!?, Camp Updates, & More


Diamond Knight
Gold Member
Jun 6, 2015
Welcome to The Knighted One’s Podcast, Episode number 52. We are the ONLY podcast that features a former UCF National Champion, a former UCF radio host, an ESPN Analyst and Hoops Player, a INfamous rapper, Our Resident Influencer, and an IG star, shooting the breeze, talking UCF Sports. Remember to like and follow us Youtube, IG, and check out the 70+ teams and conferences on the College Huddle.

This week we discuss some camp updates, a UCF Legend gets a very deserved surprise, Ben hijacks Josh's segment, and WE BOUNCE UCONN FOR TRYING TO CRASH OUR BIG 12 PARTY!!!!!

Please comment for subjects that we should cover in our Intern Re-Education segment!


Camp Update - 00:04:34

- The State of The D-Line

- Down But Not Out

- Josh Loves Hot Bars In Cold Weather

- Player-Lead Leadership

- Values That Translate Off The Field

- Utilizing The Tight End

- The WR Block Party

- The Building Blocks of The Offense

- Let's Get Physical!

- Triple Double Threats

- KJ Gettin' Footloose

- Josh's Mind Is Stuck In The Gutter

- Attacking The Midfield

- WR3 Predictions?

- Scrimmage Fibbage

- Gauging Stacey Gage

- One Team's Bench Is Another Team's Starter

- Next Week Preview!

Shaquem Griffin HOF - 01:04:47

- A Warm Surprise

- A Much Deserved Award

- A Legendary Career Etched In Stone?

Other CFB News - 01:14:46

- UCONN Inviting Themselves To The Big 12 Party?!

- Ben Brings The Hammer Down On UCONN!!

- Josh Chimes In!

Hoopin' N' Hollerin' - 01:22:19

- Mikey Williams Officially a Knight!

- Mikey's Outlook For The Season

- Talent Speaks Volumes

Listener Love - 01:34:07

- Some Love To Canada & Our New Followings

Josh’s Sometimes Funny Fact Of The Week - 01:35:24

- Famous Alumni Coaches Reunite

- Ben's Sometimes Funny Fact Of The Week?

UCF Athletic Sports Update - 01:45:37

- UCF Women's Soccer on ESPN+ and SEC+

- Women's Voley Ball Has a Tough League Against Them

Final Thoughts - 01:48:36