The NRA Will Fall

If only the NRA would allow gun laws to be passed in Chicago. Imagine all the lives that could be saved!!!
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This is a typical lazy article written by a liar left wing gun control fanatic who hopes that everyone is just dumb enough to believe that only uneducated white racists support gun rights over massive new gun control measures.

He's a liar. No other way to say it. None of his polling is even supported in this sham of an OpEd. Here's an actual recent polling from Gallup which shows that people feel that concealed carry of firearms makes society safer in EVERY geographic area- urban, suburban, and rural. Which of course completely discredits the lies this guy just threw around.

He also hilariously argues that the NRA lost its' argument once crime plummeted in the US since the 80s; nevermind the fact that record firearm sales have been recorded since then. The guy just laid out the framework for why more guns does not equal increased violent crime and homicide.

I love watching morons like this obsess over the NRA. It's great. They're so obsessed with the left wing boogeyman that they fail to understand that the majority of Americans favor gun rights but aren't necessarily NRA card holders.
My best Whatachart impersonation. How can such blatant lies with no proof be published?


Why do they call it "gun control" and "gun safety"?
Why don't they just be honest, and call it "outlawing legal ownership"?
Gun control has less to do with "guns" and more to do with "control" (by the government).
But as Evan DeFilippis and Devin Hughes recently point out at The Trace, even more recent research from Texas A&M looked at the number of permits issued, not just the passage of various laws. Philips found "no significant effect of concealed handgun license increases on changes in crime rates... this research suggests that the rate at which CHLs are issued and crime rates are independent of one another—crime does not drive CHLs; CHLs do not drive crime."