The Red Cross is #Racist....


Todd's Tiki Bar
Oct 7, 2011
How dare they....
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So just so we're clear, if they had just changed one "cool" to a black kid, everything would have been fine?
The poster was originally part of the Red Cross' 2014 "Aquatics Centennial Campaign."

So this isnt even new. It was released a few years ago, and only now are people complaining about it.
So what about the "not cool" white kid with the drink in his hand? Is he just light Hispanic or something? Can't tell if he's Asian because of the fukcing sunglasses but he certainly don't look white.

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So what about the "not cool" white kid with the drink in his hand? Is he just light Hispanic or something? Can't tell if he's Asian because of the fukcing sunglasses but he certainly don't like white.


Hispanic for sure. No habla espanol and can't read the freaking signs that say, "no glass".
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And what is the "not cool" kid in the middle doing wrong? It looks like he's breast stroking.
Also, there's a "Not Cool" white kid running at the top. Is the black kid just "more not cool"?
It could be plastic. I used to get the 16 ounce Miller Lite plastic bottles for tailgating.
We're all assuming the black kids on that poster identify as black to begin with so we're all bigot racist assholes.
This poster perpetuates the stereotype that flying whales are stick-in-the-mud, goody two-shoe, rule-following nerds. Its disgusting and disgraceful.
The white kid chasing the black kid insinuates the police chasing him. Not cool.
Black girl pushing the white girl in the pool insinuates thuggery. Not cool.
A black lifeguard? Breaking down barriers. Cool.
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And what is the "not cool" kid in the middle doing wrong? It looks like he's breast stroking.

I originally thought the boy swimming was the racism part because he wasn't doing anything wrong. I see a few whites kids being "not cool", so I still don't get it. I think she was focusing on this stupid poster too long.
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