The religious left and politics


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
Rather than take the '2020 Democratic Hopefuls' thread way off-topic, I thought this exchange was worthy of its own discussion:
This is a typical response for leftists. It just underlines the fact that for a leftist, politics trumps religion every time. Even when the two carry the same position, liberals place more value in the political aspect of it than they do in the religious aspect. When the 2 diverge, politics wins. I truly do not understand that thought process.
It has nothing to do with politics! It has everything to do with not telling another human what to do with their body. Just because I personally believe something is right/wrong doesn’t mean someone else may think differently.

Your religion does not trump someone else’s religion or someone’s lack of religion.

The popular view of religion's role in politics is that "the religious people" are all Fundamentalist Christians who are super-social conservatives. The reality is that there is a 'silent majority' of Christians in this country who view their faith is a completely different way that the Fundamentalist crowd. Many of us look at what's going on with Trump and wonder "How can other Christians enthusiastically support Trump's policies and shenanigans when they are so blatantly against Christ's teachings?"
Rather than take the '2020 Democratic Hopefuls' thread way off-topic, I thought this exchange was worthy of its own discussion:

The popular view of religion's role in politics is that "the religious people" are all Fundamentalist Christians who are super-social conservatives. The reality is that there is a 'silent majority' of Christians in this country who view their faith is a completely different way that the Fundamentalist crowd. Many of us look at what's going on with Trump and wonder "How can other Christians enthusiastically support Trump's policies and shenanigans when they are so blatantly against Christ's teachings?"
Because we hired him to lead a country and not run sunday school class. The left never had an issue with Trump until he ran as a republican. As a christian, I value his efforts to welcome legal immigration but to push back against line jumpers. This position has resulted in fewer illegal crossings which has had a positive impact on unemployment rates for minorities.

So i will ask, how can you support the side that has an openly anti -semetic congresswoman that supports shariah law which persecutes gays, christians, and all non believers? Ill wait
Because we hired him to lead a country and not run sunday school class. The left never had an issue with Trump until he ran as a republican. As a christian, I value his efforts to welcome legal immigration but to push back against line jumpers. This position has resulted in fewer illegal crossings which has had a positive impact on unemployment rates for minorities.

So i will ask, how can you support the side that has an openly anti -semetic congresswoman that supports shariah law which persecutes gays, christians, and all non believers? Ill wait

Lmao, this liberal troll is trying so hard. Newsflash, that "antisemetic congresswoman" troll line has already been debunked. Try again troll.
Because we hired him to lead a country and not run sunday school class.

That's actually a good response.

But I would argue that one of the primary functions of a President is to inspire our better angels, not our worst.

As a christian, I value his efforts to welcome legal immigration but to push back against line jumpers.

You have GOT to be kidding me. What exactly are Trump's efforts to 'welcome' legal immigration? Was it the separation of families or the putting children in cages that was so welcoming to our asylum seekers? :rolleyes:
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Rather than take the '2020 Democratic Hopefuls' thread way off-topic, I thought this exchange was worthy of its own discussion:

The popular view of religion's role in politics is that "the religious people" are all Fundamentalist Christians who are super-social conservatives. The reality is that there is a 'silent majority' of Christians in this country who view their faith is a completely different way that the Fundamentalist crowd. Many of us look at what's going on with Trump and wonder "How can other Christians enthusiastically support Trump's policies and shenanigans when they are so blatantly against Christ's teachings?"
Great post. It's all about hypocrisy and for a while the right tried to avoid it, but eventually they gave in to the desire to win. To be fair, the left went down that road long ago.
Great post. It's all about hypocrisy and for a while the right tried to avoid it, but eventually they gave in to the desire to win. To be fair, the left went down that road long ago.

How are the left more hypocritical? Other than the abortion debate, which stems from a differing opinion on when human life begins, the left has been far more christ-like in their compassion and policy. Of course their are quite a few, mostly at the top ranks of the Democratic Party, who are (or appear to be) in it only for the power. But the general rank and file democrats have far more empathy and compassion for people, as evidenced by their polices, which is the essence of Christ’s teachings.
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Democrats make policies that for the most part stand up when compared to the teaching of Christ.

Republicans are laser focused in on old testament sexuality rules that they don't look at the rest of the book. They don't even look at the rest of the old testament.

I'll never forget this display put up in my city.
Because we hired him to lead a country and not run sunday school class. The left never had an issue with Trump until he ran as a republican. As a christian, I value his efforts to welcome legal immigration but to push back against line jumpers. This position has resulted in fewer illegal crossings which has had a positive impact on unemployment rates for minorities.

So i will ask, how can you support the side that has an openly anti -semetic congresswoman that supports shariah law which persecutes gays, christians, and all non believers? Ill wait
you're scary
Religion is man made (made up). There are 4850 religions in the world. We are not progressing as a country because of conservatives. Democrats use science, empathy, and common sense.
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Because we hired him to lead a country and not run sunday school class. The left never had an issue with Trump until he ran as a republican. As a christian, I value his efforts to welcome legal immigration but to push back against line jumpers. This position has resulted in fewer illegal crossings which has had a positive impact on unemployment rates for minorities.

So i will ask, how can you support the side that has an openly anti -semetic congresswoman that supports shariah law which persecutes gays, christians, and all non believers? Ill wait

He was a washed up reality TV star before he ran as a Republican. I don't think most people cared about him what so ever before that point, or at least until the birther thing.
I always thought they were a bunch of idealists that loved the hell out of other people's money.

Damn idealists!

"Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me."
Matthew 25:34-36
Damn idealists!

"Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me."
Matthew 25:34-36

Correct. And it should be my decision, no? You think the government does a better job than I do with the money I earn and how much I decide to donate to help the poor and downtrodden?
Correct. And it should be my decision, no? You think the government does a better job than I do with the money I earn and how much I decide to donate to help the poor and downtrodden?

At the risk of giving you a civics lesson on a weekday afternoon, I would mention that we are the government -- and guess what? We elect the leaders who get to decide how to use our money. What a concept, huh?

Unfortunately, our system is not set up so you get to personally 'pick and choose' how your tax money is spent. Our government has decided that helping the poor and downtrodden with some of your tax money is a good thing to do, even if you don't.

You are welcome to donate more of your own money and some of your personal time to help the poor and the downtrodden if you so desire. Get this: it's what many religious people do. Not every religious person spends their time bashing Planned Parenthood and 'those gays'
At the risk of giving you a civics lesson on a weekday afternoon, I would mention that we are the government -- and guess what? We elect the leaders who get to decide how to use our money. What a concept, huh?

Unfortunately, our system is not set up so you get to personally 'pick and choose' how your tax money is spent. Our government has decided that helping the poor and downtrodden with some of your tax money is a good thing to do, even if you don't.

You are welcome to donate more of your own money and some of your personal time to help the poor and the downtrodden if you so desire. Get this: it's what many religious people do. Not every religious person spends their time bashing Planned Parenthood and 'those gays'
Religion is man made (made up). There are 4850 religions in the world. We are not progressing as a country because of conservatives. Democrats use science, empathy, and common sense.

Science? Democrats told me gender is fluid and you can change based on your feelings. They also taught me there are 100 genders. F science!
At the risk of giving you a civics lesson on a weekday afternoon, I would mention that we are the government -- and guess what? We elect the leaders who get to decide how to use our money. What a concept, huh?

Unfortunately, our system is not set up so you get to personally 'pick and choose' how your tax money is spent. Our government has decided that helping the poor and downtrodden with some of your tax money is a good thing to do, even if you don't.

You are welcome to donate more of your own money and some of your personal time to help the poor and the downtrodden if you so desire. Get this: it's what many religious people do. Not every religious person spends their time bashing Planned Parenthood and 'those gays'

You know some of the biggest hypocrites in this regard is Democrats. Bernie basically doesn't donate but he is happy donating our money.
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You know some of the biggest hypocrites in this regard is Democrats. Bernie basically doesn't donate but he is happy donating our money.

You forgot to mention how selflessly Trump donates his salary. It’s a shame we don’t know how many millions he saved himself with his tax cut.

This guy honestly tried to cherry pick Bible verses and use the "approval by omission" concept to convince me that God sanctions abortion. That whole bit about God creating life and life being holy is just a big hoax - Shookster proved it by his 2 cherrypicked quotes with disingenuous context assigned to them!

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This guy honestly tried to cherry pick Bible verses and use the "approval by omission" concept to convince me that God sanctions abortion...
You are the one attempting to use the Bible in the abortion debate. I said — accurately by the way — that the Bible says nothing about it.

And this self-righteous nonsense comes from the same ‘Mister Holier-than-thou’ who would have us believe his version of Jesus Christ would condone cutting social services, curtail expanded Medicare, applaud separating immigrant families at the border as a ‘deterrent’, and calling a little ‘playful’ pussy grabbing as harmless fun.

Yeah, the religious left are SO devoid of genuine morals, right? :oops:
You are the one attempting to use the Bible in the abortion debate. I said — accurately by the way — that the Bible says nothing about it.

And this self-righteous nonsense comes from the same ‘Mister Holier-than-thou’ who would have us believe his version of Jesus Christ would condone cutting social services, curtail expanded Medicare, applaud separating immigrant families at the border as a ‘deterrent’, and calling a little ‘playful’ pussy grabbing as harmless fun.

Yeah, the religious left are SO devoid of genuine morals, right? :oops:

Right- approval by omission means that God sanctions abortion and if you don't condone socialism, you're not a Christian. "Jesus was a socialist, brah!"

Right- approval by omission means that God sanctions abortion and if you don't condone socialism, you're not a Christian. "Jesus was a socialist, brah!"
Holy Moley! Helping the elderly, the sick, the disabled, and the poor is socialism. Who knew?
You forgot to mention how selflessly Trump donates his salary. It’s a shame we don’t know how many millions he saved himself with his tax cut.

Heaven forbid someone keep more of their money. People in New York between federal, state, local taxes can piss away 60% of their income. Something is wrong when you have to work until August to keep your money. Democrats need a solution that doesn't involve raising taxes for once.
You are the one attempting to use the Bible in the abortion debate. I said — accurately by the way — that the Bible says nothing about it.

Actually thats not true. The bible does give guidance on how to have an abortion.
Heaven forbid someone keep more of their money. People in New York between federal, state, local taxes can piss away 60% of their income. Something is wrong when you have to work until August to keep your money. Democrats need a solution that doesn't involve raising taxes for once.

Liberals need the government to involuntarily take their money from them to give those in need because liberals are incapable of giving their own after-tax dollars to a single cause that helps poor people or those in need in their community

If DC isn’t doing it then it’s not Christian!

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Liberals need the government to involuntarily take their money from them to give those in need because liberals are incapable of giving their own after-tax dollars to a single cause that helps poor people or those in need in their community

If DC isn’t doing it then it’s not Christian!


This is of course, another lie told by you. I've posted multiple articles showing how liberals donate more to charities than republicans.
At the risk of giving you a civics lesson on a weekday afternoon, I would mention that we are the government -- and guess what? We elect the leaders who get to decide how to use our money. What a concept, huh?

Unfortunately, our system is not set up so you get to personally 'pick and choose' how your tax money is spent. Our government has decided that helping the poor and downtrodden with some of your tax money is a good thing to do, even if you don't.

You are welcome to donate more of your own money and some of your personal time to help the poor and the downtrodden if you so desire. Get this: it's what many religious people do. Not every religious person spends their time bashing Planned Parenthood and 'those gays'
Have you ever actually looked at statistics regarding the condition of the poor and downtrodden before and after the New Deal and subsequent social welfare programs? The trends of employment and families? And don’t just pick the worst years of the Depression and say that sums it up either.

If social welfare is actually helping the poor and downtrodden, why do we keep adding program after program and throwing millions after millions at the problem for decades and yet we are being told the poor and downtrodden are getting poorer and more downtrodden?
If social welfare is actually helping the poor and downtrodden, why do we keep adding program after program and throwing millions after millions at the problem for decades and yet we are being told the poor and downtrodden are getting poorer and more downtrodden?

Crazy me, I don’t view feeding the hungry as “throwing money away.”
Crazy me, I don’t view feeding the hungry as “throwing money away.”
Hey look, you misquoted me. Good start. Also, you haven’t looked at the numbers. Good to know.

The democrat attempts are not solving the problems. They’re just making you feel better while they take more of your money away.

Or how bout this one since you’re on a pious jaunt: give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.
The democrat attempts are not solving the problems. They’re just making you feel better while they take more of your money away.

Admittedly, I feel better when poor children in our country are not starving to death.

Or how bout this one since you’re on a pious jaunt: give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.
Interesting. So you want to expand our social services Outreach?

I could have sworn you were pissed off with what we are already doing.
Admittedly, I feel better when poor children in our country are not starving to death.

Interesting. So you want to expand our social services Outreach?

I could have sworn you were pissed off with what we are already doing.
But we’re told that people are still starving in America. How is that possible?
Liberals are the people who see a hungry homeless man sitting at the entrance of a Publix and instead of giving him some money, remark at how we really need more government agencies to help people like this, how it's a shame we aren't raising taxes on rich people, and then walk by the homeless man to purchase their gourmet cheeses and organic craft beer.

So again, the US Government has been allocating massive amounts of resources towards solving the problem for almost 100 years now. It's not working. Why is that?

Because they aren't solving the problem. What happens when you keep giving kids everything? They get entitled and lazy. We need to make sure that all able Americans have enough skills to do basic jobs.
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