The Trump administration projects about 3,000 daily deaths by early June?

If we go off of the range of .01%- to 1% mortality rate that means between 320,000 to 3.2 million deaths. 3,000 per month might be low if we consider everyone getting it.
Thread is fake news, the model that the government has been using to make decisions on says we are only 3,000 deaths away from being done with this altogether.

Of course 2 weeks ago it said 60k, then 65k, then 68k, then 72k.

Could it be that we have been using am obviously bullshit model to make policy?
Thread is fake news, the model that the government has been using to make decisions on says we are only 3,000 deaths away from being done with this altogether.

Of course 2 weeks ago it said 60k, then 65k, then 68k, then 72k.

Could it be that we have been using am obviously bullshit model to make policy?

It will be gone by April when the weather gets warm. Church will be open on Easter. This is all a hoax.
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He said as many as 2.2-2.4 million if he didn’t stop travel from China. Biden has theoretical blood on his hands
Fake News. He didn't stop travel from China. 430,000 people still travelled.
Did you just want those people to die overseas?
So the "humanitarian" thing to do was to bring them home to spread the virus?

Wouldn't the prudent thing to have done was require a 14-day quarantine of all travelers we allowed into the country (citizens or otherwise)? Granted, it would have been self-policed so some infected knuckleheads would have likely spread it anyway. But along with the implementation of earlier national stay-at-home guidelines, we could have nipped this thing in the bud a lot sooner.
So the "humanitarian" thing to do was to bring them home to spread the virus?

Wouldn't the prudent thing to have done was require a 14-day quarantine of all travelers we allowed into the country (citizens or otherwise)? Granted, it would have been self-policed so some infected knuckleheads would have likely spread it anyway. But along with an earlier national stay-at-home guidelines, we could have nipped this thing in the bud a lot sooner.

Nipped it in the bud, huh? Like the virus just goes away, never to be heard of again. You do realize that it was never considered a possibility, right? The approach was always based on keeping hospitals from being overwhelmed and we did that, so Trump succeeded.
Nipped it in the bud, huh? Like the virus just goes away, never to be heard of again. You do realize that it was never considered a possibility, right?
Of course I know it was bound to make it here. My point is that if we'd taken it seriously from the beginning, we might be looking at 20,000 deaths instead of triple that number -- and rising.
The approach was always based on keeping hospitals from being overwhelmed and we did that, so Trump succeeded.
Ooooh, so that explains why we can reopen while virus numbers are still rising, huh? We're feeling safe our hospitals won't get overwhelmed now so who gives a sh*t how many people die the next few months because (cue patriotic music) "we gotta be FREE, baby!".
Of course I know it was bound to make it here. My point is that if we'd taken it seriously from the beginning, we might be looking at 20,000 deaths instead of triple that number -- and rising.Ooooh, so that explains why we can reopen while virus numbers are still rising, huh? We're feeling safe our hospitals won't get overwhelmed now so who gives a sh*t how many people die the next few months because (cue patriotic music) "we gotta be FREE, baby!".
The curve has been flattened. That was always the goal, not to limit the number of deaths.
Frankly tired of projections. It's a virus... nobody has a clue obviously. It is clear hospitals are not overwhelmed and most healthy folks are fine with covid. 30% of New York City has/had covid.

Life will go on.
Frankly tired of projections. It's a virus... nobody has a clue obviously. It is clear hospitals are not overwhelmed and most healthy folks are fine with covid. 30% of New York City has/had covid.

Life will go on.

We didn't know this 2-3 months ago.

Open up slowly as long as the hospitals aren't overwhelmed.
We didn't know this 2-3 months ago.

Open up slowly as long as the hospitals aren't overwhelmed.

If we open up completely it is technically opening up slowly in reality. Going to take at least a few months to get people comfortable again. We need to start that process soon.
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If we open up completely it is technically opening up slowly in reality. Going to take at least a few months to get people comfortable again. We need to start that process soon.
The economy doesn't happen without consumer confidence. Open everything up, people still won't go.
The economy doesn't happen without consumer confidence. Open everything up, people still won't go.
When people see others out, they will follow. People are tired of wasting their lives at home.
I booked a hotel on St. Petersburg Beach when it was first announced to be open. Now it’s totally booked and prices have skyrocketed. The bars and restaurants there will follow. Medical offices have become more busy. People aren’t as scared now
When people see others out, they will follow. People are tired of wasting their lives at home.
I booked a hotel on St. Petersburg Beach when it was first announced to be open. Now it’s totally booked and prices have skyrocketed. The bars and restaurants there will follow. Medical offices have become more busy. People aren’t as scared now

I think this is the case. Beaches are expected to be packed this coming weekend. As soon as people see others going out it will be on. I just got a mini vacation planned in the state for mother's day. 4 nights stay.
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