Which brings me to
@hemightbejeremy who has mouthed off about me not being a lawyer, when he is the one that usually posts well before me, and states many things that many lawyers I work with regularly would say is utterly wrong and irresponsible.
A person isn’t required to be employed.
Okay, now that made me laugh ... because it's the stupidest thing I've ever read. And no, you don't need to be a lawyer to understand why.
Your employer can be totally sued by you by forcing you to do things to remain employed which causes injury. That still happens plenty in an at-will/right-to-work state too.
I really don't understand your logic here at all, especially the hypocrisy of it at times. Most specifically, most of your statement seem to be utterly partisan, and then applied differently ... the exact same statement.
So no they will not be liable for a hypothetical vaccine injury based on an employment requirement.
Did you just say there's no such thing as a vaccine injury?
They are very difficult to prove in the US, but yes, they do happen. In 2/3rds of intra-musclar vaccine cases, it's the technician injecting it into the shoulder-bone or other technician-caused issue. The other 1/3rd are payload related.
There are already vaccine requirement for children entering school and schools is actually something required. There are no legality issues.
Public instititutions are another issue, and any lawyer will point out it's not the same as private.
I.e., it's utterly reckless to equate the two, and go ahead and find a lawyer who disagrees.
I know you bozos will mouth off about how I'm not a lawyer, but you're actually the ones asserting law
I just choose not to be ignorant, especially given my background, while you guys spew off blindly.
And I'm the problem?!
Seriously ... this right here is about as irresponsible as one can get.
And no, I don't just do IT ... geez, some of you guys literally are the king of hypocrisy.