Think China will finally do something?


Golden Knight
Nov 27, 2005
About eating raw bat soup and eating other exotic animals? We are going to end losing trillions over their governments lack of transparency with the world.
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About eating raw bat soup and eating other exotic animals? We are going to end losing trillions over their governments lack of transparency with the world.
*What are you talking about?? Trump ordered the military to create this virus.
**** China. I was there last year. Bat wasn't the worst thing that they ate. I wish that I knew how to upload pictures because I would should you some stuff.
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Deadly diseases have been around since the beginning of mankind. The questions regarding where and how the damn things start pales in comparison to where and how they end.

The corona virus is here and how it started is as 'productive' a discussion as it was back in the 90s when the finger of blame was directed at Africa and the HIV virus that causes AIDS. Today it's THOSE damn Chinese eating bats. Back then it was THOSE damn Africans screwing monkeys.

Back in January, Trump praised President Xi for China's response to the virus. But strangely his language has changed. Recently he announced he was a 'wartime' President addressing the invasion of the 'Chinese' virus. That's no coincidence.

Trump always has to have a foil.
The China virus, and how it started are less important than what happened afterwards. Yes china needs to like many places around the world change habits towards prevention of these kind of issues. That being said viruses will come and go still. I am more pissed off about how it was handled after they knew they had a problem.
Didn't they quarantine an entire city?

How did they mishandle it? By initially downplaying it? We did that too.

Jesus Christ.

Here is Shookster, attempting a Whataboutsim and going to the mat for the Communists who are responsible for this virus killing people globally.

Just when you think you've seen it all, Shookster sinks to an even lower low.
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We should cut off all trade, relations and future travel to and from China.