This has reached a point of over-analytical lunacy.


Diamond Knight
Sep 1, 2006
7th level of Dante's Inferno.

So, let me get this straight.

Participating in anything that identifies or celebrates European culture is now...racist.

That's right. Listening to Folk-Themed Heavy metal, wearing a "Vikings" TV show shirt, going to Renaissance Festivals, Oktoberfest (linked in another previous post), or anything else where people wear traditionally European clothing is now...Racist.

Being a fan of Marvel's "Thor" now racist.

You know what...pardon my cynicism, but if this is the way things are going now? Then f*ck the world. Everyone sucks. If this isn't social Marxism, I don't know what is.

If you are of European descent, you can't actually do a damn thing to celebrate your own culture. That's not right. Not in a society that claims to be "inclusive". You know, there is such thing as "too much progress". That is part of the reason for leaving the Democratic party. It no longer has any virtue that's tied to "Democracy" or REAL liberalism. It is now America's Socialist/neo-Marxist party.
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That's right. Listening to Folk-Themed Heavy metal, wearing a "Vikings" TV show shirt, going to Renaissance Festivals, Oktoberfest (linked in another previous post), or anything else where people wear traditionally European clothing is now...fcking stupid.

Being a fan of Marvel's "Thor" now something only those under 12 should be doing.
There you go, @Mr. Knightman, FIFY.
I don't think eweseaeff is using irony correctly here.

He's the one being sarcastic. I don't see either dramatic irony in Knightman's responses, or a situation which is deliberately contrary to expectations.

  1. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
    "“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"
    synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism
    "that note of irony in her voice"
    • a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.
      plural noun: ironies
      "the irony is that I thought he could help me"
      synonyms: paradox, incongruity, incongruousness
      "the irony of the situation"
    • a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
      noun: dramatic irony
I don't think eweseaeff is using irony correctly here.

He's the one being sarcastic. I don't see either dramatic irony in Knightman's responses, or a situation which is deliberately contrary to expectations.

  1. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
    "“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"
    synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism
    "that note of irony in her voice"
    • a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.
      plural noun: ironies
      "the irony is that I thought he could help me"
      synonyms: paradox, incongruity, incongruousness
      "the irony of the situation"
    • a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
      noun: dramatic irony
Really? Take the blinders off and reread the entire thread.
What a reach. This is about a sub-genre of metal that couldn't collectively sell out Firestone. No one gives two shits about Viking Folk metal outside of the band's immediate friends and family.

To try and paint this as a global issue is a little crazy.
What a reach. This is about a sub-genre of metal that couldn't collectively sell out Firestone. No one gives two shits about Viking Folk metal outside of the band's immediate friends and family.

To try and paint this as a global issue is a little crazy.

I relate to it due to my recent discovery of a DNA test back in 2012 (I told the story before so won't rehash it much). But in discovering that I am part Scandinavian, I got into the history. I found great Irony in the fact that the old Pagans believed very much the same as the Native Americans, particularly the Onondaga (which is also a part of my lineage). It's only natural to study and find out where you are from and to track ancestry. That took me to Sweden in 2012. That is where I discovered the folk sub-genre and got attached to it...albeit at a "closet" level. I'm more of a tech-death-metal fan, but I'll listen to some things with a splash of bagpipe, accordian and hurdy-gurdy.

To say that my own search of culture, history and genealogy, and to celebrate it as such is oppressive? Stupid. It is absolutely stupid to believe that a person from Europe or of European decent can't celebrate their own ancestry and lineage is simply wrong and not inclusive. I will not apologize for it either. I am also not a racist.

What's next...Bluegrass? Country? Polka???
At least we can agree that women don't belong in metal. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Old news - you can put anything in front of pride or power & you'll be a celebrated activist hero who is so brave... Except straight white guy or heterosexual Caucasian male because that's racist/sexist etc.
At least we can agree that women don't belong in metal. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


....I beg to differ. And yes...I sexually lust after her, because I am a man...
Really? Take the blinders off and reread the entire thread.
Okay I'm still failing to see how this is irony. I provided the definition for you. Do I think you can be sarcastic because its funny? Sure. But I don't think that word means what you think it means. :inigomontoya: In short, you should maybe try to be funny without using concepts that are beyond your understanding.
Okay I'm still failing to see how this is irony. I provided the definition for you. Do I think you can be sarcastic because its funny? Sure. But I don't think that word means what you think it means. :inigomontoya: In short, you should maybe try to be funny without using concepts that are beyond your understanding.
Thanks, Chaucer.
You're welcome. I just can't let foolishness go. Sorry. Next time stick with words you understand and we'll all enjoy a good laugh.

In the original post, the author of this thread makes sweeping generalizations based upon a single paper written by an individual on a very specific topic.

In the third post, the author of this thread responds with the following quote: "You just stereotyped and judged a whole group of benign people based on their interests. Shove it." This quote shows an obvious tone of disgust and being offended at the sweeping generalizations in the second post of this thread.

This response is deliberately contrary to what one would expect after the first post in the thread. It is amusing. Thus, it is ironic.

You're wrong, and an idiot.
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In the original post, the author of this thread makes sweeping generalizations based upon a single paper written by an individual on a very specific topic.

In the third post, the author of this thread responds with the following quote: "You just stereotyped and judged a whole group of benign people based on their interests. Shove it." This quote shows an obvious tone of disgust and being offended at the sweeping generalizations in the second post of this thread.

This response is deliberately contrary to what one would expect after the first post in the thread. It is amusing. Thus, it is ironic.

You're wrong, and an idiot.

I concede that the article was a microcosm...but so are many of the articles YOU share. It was written by a professor who teaches others, so a level of concern is quite founded.

You put absolute FAITH in the fact that what YOU share is not biased, not funding by nefarious sources, or reviewed in journals by peers that do not have a shared motivation...therefore leading to bias. I've done Public Affairs research for Professor Bergman at UCF and know of these principles.

In terms of sweeping generalizations, I hear you rail on political parties as a whole all the time, expressing some sort of ideological superiority based on stuff written by...other people. But, you don't deny it either, so...

Go look at the Democratic party's core values...and then look at the positions of the party now and the actions of their self-declared members. Many contradictions...

But, you's a PARTY...a group of people with like-minded ideology (which happens to conflict with the core principles, particularly in the aspect of the freedom of religion and speech issues, forgetting what Clinton signed in 1993). ...they attached to a dogma. You don't need a party if you think for yourself or believe in REAL inclusiveness. It's not rocket science. The popularity of Bernie Sanders has brought all of the extreme left out of the closet, also prompting messages from the DSA and CPA expressing satisfaction of infiltration of the Democratic party. Look it up yourself. This is a fact. So yes, the groups that believe in collective theft and the growing cultural Marxism against Europeans are now populating the party to which I once belonged. There's open condemnation of people's freedom to celebrate their heritage. The fact that a person's genealogy and ancestry simply exists now offends.

Actually, forget it. let's all unify under a singular ideology, then eliminate religion, philosophy, culture and history. It will be better with ideological homogeneity under a pseudo-secular system.*
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