This will be a banner year for the libertarian movement, they have to be thrilled at what has happened in the GOP
And the DNC. There are a lot of Democractic voters that are honestly scared of their own party on civil liberties after this administration, and even late during the W. administration.
They haven't forgotten they also threw a reporter in jail, and in the end, they didn't even get the right guy. I.e., Armitage admitted he was the leak, not Libby, and it finally brought the whole issue to a close (Libby was only found guilty of lying to a grand jury, like Clinton, never leaking any name).
Then add in the AP tapping and other moves that have chilled anonymous sources, plus the "moral authority" argument on drones (fearing what another President might do), the Gitmo non-sense (now arguing for endless detainment, just not at Gitmo), and lobbyists only getting more money ... with Clinton being an even bigger, special interest mover than the President.
It's going to be interesting for Johnson, and even more interesting to see if registered Democratic voters feel Libertarians are their solution as much as Republicans.