It's finally happening.
During the overnight hours between Monday night and going into Tuesday morning, Rivals will flip the switch and this place will look a whole lot different.
The message board software - the current version we've been using - has been mostly unchanged since 2005. I think that's the year, it's been so long. In the early days of the site, it was a purely thread-view board (2001-04 or so). The last "upgrade" came in 2005 (or it might have been 2004) when "topic view" was introduced.
The boards were functional on a basic level, but very primitive when you see what else is available on the internet as a whole. My biggest pet peeve was the lack of archiving - posts would disappear into oblivion after four pages.
Later on Monday I'll post more in detail about what to expect with the changes. This thread is more of a reflection... Not a day has gone by that I haven't posted on this message board, so it is somewhat the end of an era. I'll definitely be taking from screen shots.
Time to Say Goodbye
During the overnight hours between Monday night and going into Tuesday morning, Rivals will flip the switch and this place will look a whole lot different.
The message board software - the current version we've been using - has been mostly unchanged since 2005. I think that's the year, it's been so long. In the early days of the site, it was a purely thread-view board (2001-04 or so). The last "upgrade" came in 2005 (or it might have been 2004) when "topic view" was introduced.
The boards were functional on a basic level, but very primitive when you see what else is available on the internet as a whole. My biggest pet peeve was the lack of archiving - posts would disappear into oblivion after four pages.
Later on Monday I'll post more in detail about what to expect with the changes. This thread is more of a reflection... Not a day has gone by that I haven't posted on this message board, so it is somewhat the end of an era. I'll definitely be taking from screen shots.
Time to Say Goodbye