Troll of the day: George Zimmerman to auction off gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin


Todd's Tiki Bar
May 29, 2001
George Zimmerman shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012. Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter, then acquitted by a Florida jury on July 13, 2013. The case sparked a nationwide debate and protests over “stand your ground” laws and race relations in the United States.

Now, Zimmerman is auctioning off the 9-millimeter pistol he used to kill Martin on a website called
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Looks like took it down. Was curious if it had was signed or certificate of authenticity or anything. Probably was a planned marketing stunt by them & it worked.
Casey Anthony gets away w killin her baby -> lolz

Jorge gets away w killing a kid who jumped him apparently -> freak out
That's disgusting,
While we all knew this would happen, and I was quite disgusted, especially considering that, logically and objectively, he was very much guilty of manslaughter ... I do have to say in the end, after what NBC did to him and didn't have to pay a dime (the judge even stated they wronged him, possibly violated his civil liberties, but since they fired the 2 producers, they weren't liable) ... it's actually might be Karma in his favor for once if he gets 6 figures for it.

I don't condone him doing it, or him lying to the court about being broke (when he and his wife communicated, in code, they had significant funds in their defense account). But considering people putting bounties on his head and all, and what the media did to him ... and all of us in Seminole County and Sanford ('50s like ... really?), so be it.
Casey Anthony gets away w killin her baby -> lolz

Jorge gets away w killing a kid who jumped him apparently -> freak out

I think you are having a fuzzy memory of this. PLENTY of people who had absolutely nothing to do with their lives sat outside the courthouse on a 95-degree afternoon and lost their minds about her verdict. Nancy Grace and her army of dolts went on and on for months about it.
While we all knew this would happen, and I was quite disgusted, especially considering that, logically and objectively, he was very much guilty of manslaughter ... I do have to say in the end, after what NBC did to him and didn't have to pay a dime (the judge even stated they wronged him, possibly violated his civil liberties, but since they fired the 2 producers, they weren't liable) ... it's actually might be Karma in his favor for once if he gets 6 figures for it.

I don't condone him doing it, or him lying to the court about being broke (when he and his wife communicated, in code, they had significant funds in their defense account). But considering people putting bounties on his head and all, and what the media did to him ... and all of us in Seminole County and Sanford ('50s like ... really?), so be it.
Well what I do agree with is NBC should have been found guilty and paid him millions. What NBC did was disgusting as well.
I think you are having a fuzzy memory of this. PLENTY of people who had absolutely nothing to do with their lives sat outside the courthouse on a 95-degree afternoon and lost their minds about her verdict. Nancy Grace and her army of dolts went on and on for months about it.
Thanks Dr. SJW I've been set right.


Hillary for prez!!!!!!!!

Free trade, perpetual war, kill those babies!!!!!!!!!!!

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What a putz. You would think someone like him would do everything in his power to stay out of the news. Find someplace quiet and thank your lucky stars you got off when you shouldn't have.