Trump files motion to argue in person before U.S. Supreme Court that he won election


Five-Star Recruit
Sep 4, 2019

I would agree. Let's make it law, by Dec 10 A Potus or challenger can challenge the Election. it must be heard by Supreme Courts. If Challenger or Potus loses he must leave Immediately and declare the other President and the winner is then sent to congress to be ratified by Congress as President the next day. All other court challenges must be thrown out by this day. The price for challenging the courts is President must vacate the White house in 7 days.
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Trump doesn't care -- and apparently neither does all the moron AGs and chicken-shit Republicans in Congress.

Once upon a time, people put America first. Clearly, those days are gone for the GOP.
The GOP reps went down with the ship because they need the votes in 2 years from brain dead trumpets who think Trump won in a landslide.
The GOP reps went down with the ship because they need the votes in 2 years from brain dead trumpets who think Trump won in a landslide.
And Trump's history tells us they'll get the shaft when he starts his own network to compete against Fox News. Trump doesn't give a shit about the GOP's future anymore than he did the various sycophants he's used and discarded over the years.
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