Trump to declare national emergency

Such bravery for republicans to stand up to Trump at a rate 12 out of 53. You can tell the Republican party is VERY concerned about the expansion of executive power. That's OVER 20% of them so you know they mean business about this.
Haha even Ben Sasse who is "Mr constitution" voted to allow this extreme misuse of power.
Rick Scott
Shook Chicken is now replying repeatedly in response to himself

Shook to new levels
I though you would be upset that more republicans didn't join in to stop this clear expansion of presidential power that you are on the record of being against.

(Oh that's right, you're a transparent lying shill)

Pentagon Authorizes $1 Billion For Fence Construction At Mexico Border

The Pentagon has officially informed Congress that it's shifting up to $1 billion in appropriated funding to build a 57-mile fence and other projects at the southern U.S. border. The notice comes after President Trump took the rare step of declaring a national emergency to get more border security funding than Congress would allow.