This is like the easiest thing ever to criticize Trump over that he's done as POTUS. There's zero conservative/liberal angle here at all. No underlying policy you might favor. So easy that he backed off
because House Republicans said they couldn't defend the decision.
Corruption behind closed doors is bad. Corruption in the open is 10x worse. Why? Because it becomes normalized. Most of us are pretty cynical, right? We have low opinions of politicians and assume they are using their power to enrich themselves privately. Then when we see a congressman indicted for insider trading, we feel a little better that these guys aren't above the law. You have to make efforts to hide those corrupt acts or there will be consequences. A world where blatant corruption and self-dealing can be done in public, by the most powerful person in the country, with no consequences - is a whole new world.
This isn't even a slippery slope argument. Sure, the corruption can get worse - but that doesn't make this act not-corrupt. Not divesting, letting your kids run the business, etc is the slippery slope. This was end-game level corruption and thankfully House Republicans recognized this as well.
48 CFR 3.601
(a) Except as specified in 3.602, a contracting officer shall not knowingly award a contract to a Government employee or to a business concern or other organization owned or substantially owned or controlled by one or more Government employees. This policy is intended to avoid any conflict of interest that might arise between the employees’ interests and their Government duties, and to avoid the appearance of favoritism or preferential treatment by the Government toward its employees