Trump won PA by 68K+

Poolside Knight

Todd's Tiki Bar
Apr 2, 2007
And Stein/Hillary are requesting a recount there.

Meanwhile Hillary won Nevada by just 26K votes with reports of possible fraud there with Illegals voting w fake papers. Does the Clinton Machine really want to open this Pandora Box?
what's hilarious is that the mainstream media , even the alt media to a certain degree think Stein is behind this. We all know who is behind this - the libs.

Obama and Hillary say all the right things to make it look good. Should be ashamed of themselves.
"So You're Saying There's a Chance"
It's too bad that these opponents of democracy are refusing to accept the results of the election. They are a danger to our democratic system. We shouldn't tolerate this type of flame throwing by radical partisans!
This is the most important election in the American history after all.

The communists and libtards are basically digging their own grave if they deny Trump now. People will go apesh*t.

The Clintons lost despite all the cheating they did, like that talked about on the Project Veritas videos.

It must suck to cheat and still lose.
I don't really care for a recount, I think it does no good. But STFU about the "illegals voting" thing as well. Both sides need to calm it down with the conspiracies.

Ooooooo let's have fun with Hillary's own words:

“That’s not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. President Obama said the other day that when you’re whining before the game is even finished it just shows you’re not even up to doing the job. “

She added, “And let’s be clear about what he’s saying and what he means. He’s denigrating—he’s talking down our democracy. I for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our major two parties would take that kind of position.”

And yet, here she is, joining the scam artist known as Jill Stein in a "recount effort" because of "hacking"!
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This is the most important election in the American history after all.

The communists and libtards are basically digging their own grave if they deny Trump now. People will go apesh*t.

The Clintons lost despite all the cheating they did, like that talked about on the Project Veritas videos.

It must suck to cheat and still lose.
Meh until the next one... RMoney or similar ZOG puppet will be just gravy for them. Literally nothing we can do. Trump is the slow lane compared to fast lane, so yippee I guess... Maybe the checkers players on board can better relate to their HBO TV shows to illustrate American politics:

Ooooooo let's have fun with Hillary's own words:

“That’s not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. President Obama said the other day that when you’re whining before the game is even finished it just shows you’re not even up to doing the job. “

She added, “And let’s be clear about what he’s saying and what he means. He’s denigrating—he’s talking down our democracy. I for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our major two parties would take that kind of position.”

And yet, here she is, joining the scam artist known as Jill Stein in a "recount effort" because of "hacking"!

I literally wrote I don't agree with the recount and both sides need to stop. Election is over, Trump won, is what it is at this point.
Meh until the next one... RMoney or similar ZOG puppet will be just gravy for them. Literally nothing we can do. Trump is the slow lane compared to fast lane, so yippee I guess... Maybe the checkers players on board can better relate to their HBO TV shows to illustrate American politics:

This is a better clip from the Sopranos to illustrate American politics.