Trump's Wag the Dog


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
Wow. Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, Trump says out-of-the-blue that we've "defeated ISIS" and announces he's pulling our troops out of Syria. Not only did this decision catch the Defense Department by surprise, it is not supported by ANY competent analyst regardless of their politics. Trump essentially gave a huge Christmas present to Russia and Iran.

But on the plus side, it has momentarily taken headlines away from the President's criminal investigations!!! [thumb2]
i think this is a mistake by trump. while some of what he says about defeating them may be true, obama said the exact same thing and look what happened. i dont know how many people we have over there. if it is a big amount, then i would say a bulk needs to come home, but we still need to maintain a presence there for a good time to come. it may even need to be for 5 to 10 years.
i think this is a mistake by trump. while some of what he says about defeating them may be true, obama said the exact same thing and look what happened.

I give you serious props for: 1) acknowledging it was a mistake; and 2) recognizing that we apparently haven't learned anything from Obama's similar mistake. We should have never destabilized the region in the first place but once we got into this Middle East quagmire, we need to do our part to keep things relatively stable.

i dont know how many people we have over there. if it is a big amount, then i would say a bulk needs to come home, but we still need to maintain a presence there for a good time to come. i

I understand we have 2000 troops there. As a point of comparison, Trump sent 6000 troops to the Mexican border.
I give you serious props for: 1) acknowledging it was a mistake; and 2) recognizing that we apparently haven't learned anything from Obama's similar mistake. We should have never destabilized the region in the first place but once we got into this Middle East quagmire, we need to do our part to keep things relatively stable.

I understand we have 2000 troops there. As a point of comparison, Trump sent 6000 troops to the Mexican border.
I think Trump's bumbling around right now and it's not good. This certainly looks like a mistake.

But, I also don't have a problem with us nation-building if it needs to be done. Rather than going in with a token force, just take the whole damn thing over and then establish governments in these countries not held by dictators or radical religious regimes. The half-measures are helping no one. The issue is how to determine if and when it needs to be done and who has the say on that.

What I hate seeing over there is an under-supported force with no clear mission and bad RoE. At some point, you've got to look to see if you're making any gains, and if not then pull the plug. Sometimes what must be done eventually is better done immediately. Still think Trump's way of going about it is a mistake.
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I also don't have a problem with us nation-building if it needs to be done. Rather than going in with a token force, just take the whole damn thing over and then establish governments in these countries not held by dictators or radical religious regimes. The half-measures are helping no one. The issue is how to determine if and when it needs to be done and who has the say on that.
Don't want to take this too far OT but the notion we can "nation build" in the Middle East is horribly naive. The people are one generation removed from tribes but we were going to 'free' the Iraqis and set them on the path to democracy?

Saddam was a really bad dude but GWHB had the right idea when Iraq invaded Kuwait--free Kuwait and then get the hell out of there. Junior's idea when he became President to "finish the job" by invading Iraq and overthrowing Saddam Hussein kicked over a Middle Eastern hornet's nest had given us non-stop problems ever since.
Wow. Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, Trump says out-of-the-blue that we've "defeated ISIS" and announces he's pulling our troops out of Syria. Not only did this decision catch the Defense Department by surprise, it is not supported by ANY competent analyst regardless of their politics. Trump essentially gave a huge Christmas present to Russia and Iran.

But on the plus side, it has momentarily taken headlines away from the President's criminal investigations!!! [thumb2]
Frump is beyond an idiot
These were wars for oil.

Geez, I knew oil was expensive but when you factor in all the money we've wasted in the Middle East, it's obscene.

Dems should be happy we are leaving.
I would be---if you could promise me Trump hasn't just laid the groundwork for a new terrorist group to emerge from Syria hell bent on showing the world those "ISIS" dudes were a bunch of pussies by comparison.
While it is definitely worthy of critical thinking and questioning, I don't think this is that big of a deal. Russia wants stability in Syria so they will dedicate resources to maintaining it. Whoever stated that the whole thing is based on oil is correct and times have changed so it's no longer a good investment to be there. From a humanitarian aspect this raises my eyebrows a little bit, but as long as we dont abandon the kurds again I say let them deal with their own problems in that region.
From a humanitarian aspect this raises my eyebrows a little bit, but as long as we dont abandon the kurds again I say let them deal with their own problems in that region.

Didn't you get the memo, Crazy?
The Turkish President told Trump those Kurds ARE terrorists. Trump doesn't support no stinkin' terrorists. That's why we're getting the hell out of there. Let those damn terrorist Kurds fend for themselves.*
These were wars for oil. We no longer need their oil. Dems should be happy we are leaving. Especially Afghanistan, Hell we have been there 17 years.
You are so missing so much of the story. Do you realize how many people we're going to leave hanging and Let Die because we're not even done outfitting them or training them
You are so missing so much of the story. Do you realize how many people we're going to leave hanging and Let Die because we're not even done outfitting them or training them

I was repeating the line the dems gave HW and W about fighting over there. I disagree with Trump
I actually would rather finish up in Syria, but I am not even sure what that would mean. in Afghanistan we have been there for 17 years, what else do we even think we will accomplish.
I was repeating the line the dems gave HW and W about fighting over there. I disagree with Trump
I actually would rather finish up in Syria, but I am not even sure what that would mean. in Afghanistan we have been there for 17 years, what else do we even think we will accomplish.
Merry Chistmas and happy new year Goodknight :)

To recap: since then, Trump reconsidered and "WhooHooo, BEAT ISIS!!!" Then he reconsidered again and the Turks invaded northern Syria.

Mad dog Mattis resigned the first time around saying that we hadn't finished the job (and we hadn't---or else I dreamed all the chest-thumping from the Usual Suspects here when we did beat ISIS.) NOW Mattis is saying this most recent Trump decision is batsh*t crazy and warns of the consequences will be an ISIS resurgence.
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So glad Shookster decided to create another worthless thread to retread the same topic that already has 5 threads on the board for, 3 of which were also created by him.

This nut is totally delusional and obsessed.
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So glad Shookster decided to create another worthless thread to retread the same topic that already has 5 threads on the board for, 3 of which were also created by him.
I’m guessing it’s just a coincidence that you’ve been thoroughly punked in all of them. :)
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When is the election? I’m in a celebrating mood

is there a cure for TDS yet?