UCF exonerated in spending scandal

Knight Strength

Golden Knight
Feb 2, 2018

This fake scandal was never about the money or a crime. The board of governors had previously allowed UCF to spend left over operating funds and now they allow it again. It was all just a big smear campaign. They spent months dragging UCFs and its leaders names through the mud for no reason. I'm embarrassed for these politicians.

Only thing to do is charge on.

Open in incognito mode if you hit the pay wall.

This fake scandal was never about the money or a crime. The board of governors had previously allowed UCF to spend left over operating funds and now they allow it again. It was all just a big smear campaign. They spent months dragging UCFs and its leaders names through the mud for no reason. I'm embarrassed for these politicians.

Only thing to do is charge on.

Open in incognito mode if you hit the pay wall.

Nothing fake about it. It was a real scandal. " Spending more than $2 million on a single project was forbidden by the state until earlier this year, when the Legislature agreed to allow state universities to use that money".
UCF did break the rules but it was blown way out of proportions by politicians for political purposes. UCF is growing too fast and is becoming a major competitor of the other three universities and they want to give UCF all the bad press they can handle. It may have slowed us down for awhile but not for long.
We only lost a president and didn’t the chairman of the board quit as well? Do we get the $30 million back?
Feel a little bad for him
Especially in light of the comment in the article below

Board of Governors Vice Chair Sydney Kitson said he thought UCF had done a “solid job” outlining how it will use leftover operating funds, though he said the board’s facilities committee should receive updates when the university updates its capital spending plan.

Seems apparent he either had nothing to do with it, or if he did should have been given a pat on the back for running a fiscally sound organization. Government always likes waste though.
Saw this. What a crock. Where's that lawmaker who suggested the state shut down UCF over this? Time to set up a massage parlor sting for him.
Yeah Fat Boy! He reminds me of the American version of Kim Yung Ung whatever. The fat Korean. All kidding aside it's a pretty dumb move to suggest the state close down your constituents University imo. Especially considering the size and popularity of UCF.
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Jealousy, pure and simple. They kicked back from rule they used to hassle us. UCF is finally at the point where they are going to slow growth down. I'm glad my classes were a lot smaller than what they have today.
Nothing fake about it. It was a real scandal. " Spending more than $2 million on a single project was forbidden by the state until earlier this year, when the Legislature agreed to allow state universities to use that money".
UCF did break the rules but it was blown way out of proportions by politicians for political purposes. UCF is growing too fast and is becoming a major competitor of the other three universities and they want to give UCF all the bad press they can handle. It may have slowed us down for awhile but not for long.
Maybe I read it incorrectly or don't remember it well enough but in Hitt's letter addressing the situation, I thought he said they were allwed to use funds the same way in the past.
Nothing fake about it. It was a real scandal. " Spending more than $2 million on a single project was forbidden by the state until earlier this year, when the Legislature agreed to allow state universities to use that money".
UCF did break the rules but it was blown way out of proportions by politicians for political purposes. UCF is growing too fast and is becoming a major competitor of the other three universities and they want to give UCF all the bad press they can handle. It may have slowed us down for awhile but not for long.

If one can read, the article basically says that they did indeed violate the law at the time but since then, it has just been changed.
If one can read, the article basically says that they did indeed violate the law at the time but since then, it has just been changed.

That is correct. The standards require you to have approval prior to spending the money. If state law changes, like it did, then you follow the current regs.
That is correct. The standards require you to have approval prior to spending the money. If state law changes, like it did, then you follow the current regs.
True, and it did. I think the point was it was used as a smear campaign. I agree though they were technically operating outside of what the law said at the time.
Jealousy, pure and simple. They kicked back from rule they used to hassle us. UCF is finally at the point where they are going to slow growth down. I'm glad my classes were a lot smaller than what they have today.[/QUOTE

As for class size, the bull**** about class size has only shown any real benefit in kindergarten and early years, from the actual research I read. As for anecdotal- I was in a huge auditorium for several classes in 1980's UCF and learn just as much as from a class of 6 at graduate studies at FSU. Class size has 0 to do with actual learning once you actually learn how to study and learn, in other words, once you pass elementary school (actual studies tell the lie to 'beliefs').
Especially in light of the comment in the article below

Board of Governors Vice Chair Sydney Kitson said he thought UCF had done a “solid job” outlining how it will use leftover operating funds, though he said the board’s facilities committee should receive updates when the university updates its capital spending plan.

Seems apparent he either had nothing to do with it, or if he did should have been given a pat on the back for running a fiscally sound organization. Government always likes waste though.
Didn’t know Kitson was on the board . . . That guy sucks.
So judging by the hysteria of the government, this violation was akin to murder, if not worse since I don't think you'd jeopardize the education of 50,000 plus people if the president killed someone; how could this rule/law ever be changed? I mean a violation cost people their careers, after all, it was the horrible disgusting act of spending money meant for classrooms for education on classrooms for education. Horrible! How in the world could it be changed? Hmmmmm. Has anyone recently looked at what UF or FSU has done with their $$$$$$? Maybe that's why????????
So judging by the hysteria of the government, this violation was akin to murder, if not worse since I don't think you'd jeopardize the education of 50,000 plus people if the president killed someone; how could this rule/law ever be changed? I mean a violation cost people their careers, after all, it was the horrible disgusting act of spending money meant for classrooms for education on classrooms for education. Horrible! How in the world could it be changed? Hmmmmm. Has anyone recently looked at what UF or FSU has done with their $$$$$$? Maybe that's why????????
UF was busted spending theirs on housing. Can’t remember what USF spent it on. Probably air fresheners

This fake scandal was never about the money or a crime. The board of governors had previously allowed UCF to spend left over operating funds and now they allow it again. It was all just a big smear campaign. They spent months dragging UCFs and its leaders names through the mud for no reason. I'm embarrassed for these politicians.

Only thing to do is charge on.

Open in incognito mode if you hit the pay wall.
Wasn’t the issue that it WAS against the rules when UCF did it, regardless of past and future guidelines?

my takeaway from the article was that it wasn’t okay before, but that they’ve adjusted rules to make it okay in certain situations. Sounds like a good change but I’m sad it came at the cost of our reputation and President.
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Wasn’t the issue that it WAS against the rules when UCF did it, regardless of past and future guidelines?

my takeaway from the article was that it wasn’t okay before, but that they’ve adjusted rules to make it okay in certain situations. Sounds like a good change but I’m sad it came at the cost of our reputation and President.
And probably $50 million
Wasn’t the issue that it WAS against the rules when UCF did it, regardless of past and future guidelines?

my takeaway from the article was that it wasn’t okay before, but that they’ve adjusted rules to make it okay in certain situations. Sounds like a good change but I’m sad it came at the cost of our reputation and President.
Yea but In history there has been a lot of laws that were immoral and unjust. It was against the rules at the time we did it but the change of rules by the government to allow it tells me UCF didn't do anything wrong. That's all I'm saying.
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This fake scandal was never about the money or a crime. The board of governors had previously allowed UCF to spend left over operating funds and now they allow it again. It was all just a big smear campaign. They spent months dragging UCFs and its leaders names through the mud for no reason. I'm embarrassed for these politicians.

Only thing to do is charge on.

Open in incognito mode if you hit the pay wall.

You are absolutely correct. An audit finding and reprimand would have sufficed, not firing good employees and causing resignations. This was to put UCF in it’s place, we were getting “too big for our britches” as they say. A real travesty.
Yea but In history there has been a lot of laws that were immoral and unjust. It was against the rules at the time we did it but the change of rules by the government to allow it tells me UCF didn't do anything wrong. That's all I'm saying.
So, pretty much the same thing as our recruit text NCAA violations some years ago that got us on probation. The rules changed to allow what we did after we were punished.

We knowingly broke rules which was a lapse in judgment, but the punishment was disproportionate to the offense each time.