UCF suspends student who graded ex-girlfriend's apology letter


Todd's Tiki Bar
May 29, 2001

I expected this to be an assholery grading scheme but he actually made some funny and valid critiques. Kept it totally academic and not personal.

Also not sure how this is cyber bullying since there was absolutely no way for me to know who wrote the letter.
The fact she penned a letter instead of a text with abbrevaitions of six words at a time and a crap ton of emojis should count for something.
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So, this kid crossed out her name, she doesn't go to UCF, she went to the Volusia popos, they did nothing, but then she filed a grievance against him at UCF and now he's in trouble. Great. Someone please explain to me why UCF is in the business of settling domestic disputes?
looks like hes not suspended anymore, but if i were him, id consider having the lawyer really go after ucf for this one. this was complete crap.