Unbiased hearing officers


Todd's Tiki Bar
May 29, 2001
Any resident in Florida can now challenge what kids learn in public schools, thanks to a new law that science education advocates worry will make it harder to teach evolution and climate change.

The legislation, which was signed by Gov. Rick Scott (R) last week and went into effect Saturday, requires school boards to hire an "unbiased hearing officer" who will handle complaints about instructional materials, such as movies, textbooks and novels, that are used in local schools. Any parent or county resident can file a complaint, regardless of whether they have a student in the school system. If the hearing officer deems the challenge justified, he or she can require schools to remove the material in question.
This will make our teachers even worse. Regulating and causing hassles like this will most likely keep more sane/educated people from wanting to teach.
Doesn't forcing the schools to hire a new position (and probably several staff to handle all the complaints) create an unfunded mandate? I'd be curious to see if any school board sues the state as a result.
So liberals can't also raise concerns when they have them?

That's the irony here. These are the people who go ape shit if a teacher wears a cross to work or dares to allow kids to pray during class time. Yet they are the first to mandate that teachers push the idea that genders are obsolete and the world will be flooded in less than 10 years.

Personally I love the idea that I can challenge what's being taught at a school that I support with my tax dollars even if my kids don't attend. I pay an obscene amount of tax for a public school near me that is absolute, pure shit. At least now I can have an input if some left wing SJW is attempting to hijack curriculum.
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That's the irony here. These are the people who go ape shit if a teacher wears a cross to work or dares to allow kids to pray during class time. Yet they are the first to mandate that teachers push the idea that genders are obsolete and the world will be flooded in less than 10 years.

Personally I love the idea that I can challenge what's being taught at a school that I support with my tax dollars even if my kids don't attend. I pay an obscene amount of tax for a public school near me that is absolute, pure shit. At least now I can have an input if some left wing SJW is attempting to hijack curriculum.
Agree. I didn't read the article so I don't know if it's mentioned, but I would hope they lay out the process for a challenge. Something like, must provide scientific evidence in the form of published research results in a peer reviewed journal, just to have a discussion on the topic. Otherwise this will get bogged down in religious zealotry.