Valencia College instructors embroiled in vagina probing scandal


May 28, 2001
Winter Park, FL
Florida's Valencia College sued over forced vaginal exams

(CNN)Two college students say they were forced to submit to transvaginal probes as part of their classroom training to learn how to perform the medical procedure.

The details are outlined in a federal lawsuit filed Thursday in Orlando against Valencia College and three instructors. It alleges that medical diagnostic students at Valencia College were forced to submit to the examination of their sexual organs under threat of having their grades reduced or of being blacklisted by future employers. The three defendants named in the lawsuit, Maureen Bugnacki, Linda Shaheen and Barbara Ball, have not responded to CNN's requests for comment.


In one instance, according to the lawsuit, one of the defendants, Barbara Ball, made inappropriate comments to a student who was undergoing a probe. "Defendant Ball's comments can only be described as bizarre during some of these forced probing sessions," the lawsuit states.

"She allegedly approached one student ...during a probing session and stated(she)was 'sexy' and should be an 'escort girl' (prostitute)." The suit says Ball's behavior casts serious doubts upon her motivation for insisting upon the forced vaginal probing sessions.
"forced vaginal probing sessions"

That's not a phrase you hear every day...
How is this any different than what my wife had to go through when she was pregnant?

Im sorry but I like the idea that the nurse doing the sonograph has had it done to them before. That way they know what they are doing to their patients. Much like how cops have to be stunned and pepper sprayed before being able to use it.

You dont like doing the exam, then dont specialize as that type of nurse.
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Can Valencia not afford a synthetic one? I'm sure they could afford at least a cotton swab and a Dixie cup (I'm being realistic).
WTF .... oh wait .... its in Orlando. Nuff said.

How is this any different than what my wife had to go through when she was pregnant?

Im sorry but I like the idea that the nurse doing the sonograph has had it done to them before. That way they know what they are doing to their patients. Much like how cops have to be stunned and pepper sprayed before being able to use it.

You dont like doing the exam, then dont specialize as that type of nurse.

I see your trolling technique becoming more sophisticated and refined every day.
If they didn't want their pussies probed they could have said no and reported it and/or switched classes transferred.
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If they were trying to pull that shit on one of my family members, I'd be going batshit crazy on somebody's ass.
How is this any different than what my wife had to go through when she was pregnant?

Im sorry but I like the idea that the nurse doing the sonograph has had it done to them before. That way they know what they are doing to their patients. Much like how cops have to be stunned and pepper sprayed before being able to use it.

You dont like doing the exam, then dont specialize as that type of nurse.

So, men can't be nurses? With this logic, they also can't be OB/GYNs either.
Fwiw, I'm very confident that my OB/GYN understands what his patients go through, either with the exam, or with a pregnancy and labor....even though he doesn't have a vagina.

And I never asked my dentist if he's had a filling or crown on his teeth....and yet, I'm confident he understands what the patient feels when this procedure is done.
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So, men can't be nurses? With this logic, they also can't be OB/GYNs either.
Fwiw, I'm very confident that my OB/GYN understands what his patients go through, either with the exam, or with a pregnancy and labor....even though he doesn't have a vagina.

And I never asked my dentist if he's had a filling or crown on his teeth....and yet, I'm confident he understands what the patient feels when this procedure is done.
Wow if there were any doubt that what Wayne said was idiotic, GKS knocked it out of the park.

Holy shiite Wayne, you're phuking retarded.

I think I want to vaginally probe Wayne's wife/sister/daughter/mother in a lecture hall, you know for science, education, the kids, and the lulz. Don't care if she's pregnant. Would be good to go either way.
So, men can't be nurses? With this logic, they also can't be OB/GYNs either.
Fwiw, I'm very confident that my OB/GYN understands what his patients go through, either with the exam, or with a pregnancy and labor....even though he doesn't have a vagina.

And I never asked my dentist if he's had a filling or crown on his teeth....and yet, I'm confident he understands what the patient feels when this procedure is done.

Now Im not down with the whole being forced to do that shit and the creepy ass comments that teacher may have made. They have legit concerns if that actually did happen.

But IF is a female nurse they should reasonably have to go through some of the procedures they will be administering on a daily basis. IF its a male and there are some male related procedures, they should have to do those as well. WTF is so hard to understand about that. Some perspective on what you are doing to the patients is a good thing.
Yes, agree 100% wayne....And damn straight my heart and/or brain surgeons better have undergone the same rigorous "training"
Now Im not down with the whole being forced to do that shit and the creepy ass comments that teacher may have made. They have legit concerns if that actually did happen.

But IF is a female nurse they should reasonably have to go through some of the procedures they will be administering on a daily basis. IF its a male and there are some male related procedures, they should have to do those as well. WTF is so hard to understand about that. Some perspective on what you are doing to the patients is a good thing.

It wasn't just the creepy ass comments, in the article it also mentions "In some cases, the student would have to sexually 'stimulate' plaintiffs in order to facilitate inserting the probe into plaintiffs' vaginas," the lawsuit alleges."

I'm very sure if one were to do such things to a patient in a real-world setting, that person would lose their license to practice, and possibly go to jail.
Now Im not down with the whole being forced to do that shit and the creepy ass comments that teacher may have made. They have legit concerns if that actually did happen.

But IF is a female nurse they should reasonably have to go through some of the procedures they will be administering on a daily basis. IF its a male and there are some male related procedures, they should have to do those as well. WTF is so hard to understand about that. Some perspective on what you are doing to the patients is a good thing.
You'd be upset if the old lady used this argument when you bring up t
It wasn't just the creepy ass comments, in the article it also mentions "In some cases, the student would have to sexually 'stimulate' plaintiffs in order to facilitate inserting the probe into plaintiffs' vaginas," the lawsuit alleges."

I'm very sure if one were to do such things to a patient in a real-world setting, that person would lose their license to practice, and possibly go to jail.
They can't afford lube or synthetic lady bits? Is the instructor named Barney Stinson? I think Barrister is absent because his hand is cramped from reading this crazy ish.
It wasn't just the creepy ass comments, in the article it also mentions "In some cases, the student would have to sexually 'stimulate' plaintiffs in order to facilitate inserting the probe into plaintiffs' vaginas," the lawsuit alleges."

I'm very sure if one were to do such things to a patient in a real-world setting, that person would lose their license to practice, and possibly go to jail.
meh, i didnt read the article, just what brandon had quoted. sounds like they have a legit case on their hands and the teachers will be fired and maybe more repercussions down the line. but if its not true and they were just trying to get out of regular peer exam, then screw them.
There was some quality material in the nursing department when I went to Valencia. Like I said, I just want to see the pictures because #barrister.
meh, i didnt read the article, just what brandon had quoted. sounds like they have a legit case on their hands and the teachers will be fired and maybe more repercussions down the line. but if its not true and they were just trying to get out of regular peer exam, then screw them.
Totally agree on this.
It's pretty sick if it's true, but if it's not true, those students should never be allowed to practice, because that's just as sick.