77 Lokahi Pauole vs. 94 Anthony Montalvo
55 Matt Lee vs. 5 Ricky Barber
76 Adrian Medley vs. 56 Matthew Alexander
73 Samuel Jackson vs. 88 Josh Celiscar
69 Paul Rubelt vs. 35 Keenan Cupit
50 Patrick Barnett vs. 52 Keenan Hester
71 Tylan Grable vs. 88 Josh Celiscar
72 Nate Brady vs. 40 Kervins Choute
66 Chidoziri Maghiro vs. 2 Lee Hunter
72 Ryan Swoboda vs. 58 Dallaz Corbitt
70 Ed Collins vs. 13 Landon Woodson
77 Lokahi Pauole vs. 94 Anthony Montalvo
55 Matt Lee vs. 2 Lee Hunter* (see below)
76 Adrian Medley vs. 5 Ricky Barber
73 Sam Jackson vs. 88 Josh Celiscar
69 Paul Rubelt vs. 35 Keenan Cupit
71 Tylan Grable vs. 55 Karlis Bailey-Vice
50 Patrick Barnett vs. 56 Matthew Alexander
72 Nate Brady vs. 40 Kervins Choute
72 Ryan Swoboda vs. 58 Dallaz Corbitt
OL Josh Cox and Ethan Mort did not participate in this drill (but were visible standing in the background).
Did not see 47 DE KD McDaniel.
2:31 mark: Matt Lee wasn't having it with Lee Hunter, who was getting his hands around his neck/facemask. "You do that the next time, you're gonna get hit in the face."