With the voting alliances in the media, it's getting centered on Trump, who has traditionally (and many argue underneath), is still actually a Clinton-type Democratic Progressive in his own views. Because Trump is the absolute creation of the same media, but he's pissed off Fox News too, which has only given him more support (even from some Democratic voters).
He entered the race because of a friend of the family's daughter was raped by an organized crime hitman, and his first, major, political stop was to try to educate everyone on the dangers of Organized Crime around Human Trafficking (the actual "issue" with illegal immigration) that has moved north of Phoenix, and is now operating in and out of Amnesty Cities in California, Colorado and the like. They know how to game the local law enforcement against the feds, so they can hide the most violent offenders, including those who are known sexual offenders (who have their purposes in the syndicates).
But then Trump was quoted by the left-leaning media as speaking about "all illegal immigrants," when he was specifically talking about the organized crime elements that move illegals -- the dangerous, Human Trafficking element. At that point, Trump made his decision to return the 8 year-old logic and demonizing by the media back at them 10-fold. And he's mastered it to garnering close to 40% of Americans, by many estimates, at this point. And the rest is history.
Albright is just another politician that got caught up in the same demonization/counter-demonization that dominates our media. After all, those in charge of Fox News quickly found themselves hating Trump too. That's why Trump's numbers have only picked up since he went to "war" with Fox News, especially with Chairman Roger Ailes.
It's the same left-leaning, mainstream media that took very "moderate" candidates like McCain and Romney and painted them like right-wingers. So with the "moderates" defeated twice now, even the Libertarians have been "shut out" because so many Americans are tired of being labeled over and over by the media with an 8 year-old logic. This has resulted in the creation of a man like Trump -- someone who has 0 political ties and is paying 100% for his own campaign, was destined to come along.
Remember, this is the same, heavily left-leaning, mainstream media that fails to recognize the Koch Brothers are not right-wingers, but public broadcasting supporting Libertarians. It's literally like being in grade school using 8 year-old logic. Even today I roast Democratic voters as bad as Republican voters, especially when Democrats give me anti-Republican arguments that do not apply to Libertarians and vice-versa. A lot of Americans aren't dumb, and they are tired of the left and right arguing about useless positions that don't help anyone, sans special interest. But logic pales in comparison to the staunch, anti-DC Beltway, anti-Media hate that exists, which the Beltway and Media created.
So where does this all leave us? I honestly don't know. Hate never works out well for anyone.
But I do remember Ross Perot being pro Marriage Equality in 1992, even predicting Clinton would sign the DOMA, all while getting labeled a "racist" for speaking out against NAFTA just a few years later. Trump remembers that too, and he's riding the wave, purposely being the guy that is easily demonized. And the silent voters love it in the polls too.
This is the Media we've let be created. It only takes the intellect of an 8 year-old to listen.