Warren is toast


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
And she knows it. She's gotten to the point of pandering on a painful level. The latest example is promising to allow a trans child that she recently met to interview her secretary of education on her behalf.

It's almost sad when you see politicians get to this point but it happens in every presidential election. They see the writing on the wall and then panic, saying anything they can to find a base.

Sorry chief imahoe, your time is up.
she seemed like she might get the nomination especially after bernie had the heart attack. now it seems like she is fading fast. i was hoping that she would be the dnc candidate.
Pandering is a large part of all campaigns, I don't see this as any sort of big deal at all. She does need to make up some ground, but I don't see how this specific thing is an indication she is done.
Pandering is a large part of all campaigns, I don't see this as any sort of big deal at all. She does need to make up some ground, but I don't see how this specific thing is an indication she is done.
You dont see this as a departure from her previous persona? Up until now she's had all of the answers to all of the questions, which was what made her an attractive candidate to the majority of the left. Now she is focusing on a small group of the electorate and telling them that she will acquiesce to one of them. This kind of thing doesnt sell with the majority, it's a panic play to try and secure a base.
You dont see this as a departure from her previous persona? Up until now she's had all of the answers to all of the questions, which was what made her an attractive candidate to the majority of the left. Now she is focusing on a small group of the electorate and telling them that she will acquiesce to one of them. This kind of thing doesnt sell with the majority, it's a panic play to try and secure a base.

I don't think the majority is going to care about this story one bit, so I just don't see it that way. Is it pandering? Sure, but all campaigns pander.
I don't think the majority is going to care about this story one bit, so I just don't see it that way. Is it pandering? Sure, but all campaigns pander.
They only pander like this at the very end of their run. Name the last person to win the presidency that used this kind of tactic. She'll be out after New Hampshire.
They only pander like this at the very end of their run. Name the last person to win the presidency that used this kind of tactic. She'll be out after New Hampshire.

They pander the entire campaign. A campaign basically consists of pandering, interviews, and debates. I think you are making way more of this than what it is.
She has the best ground game. Honestly, I think either Bernie or Warren wins Iowa.
I'll bet you 100 bucks that warren isnt in the top 3 in iowa or within 6 points of the winner. She'll be closer to Klobuchar than she is to bernie.
I'll bet you 100 bucks that warren isnt in the top 3 in iowa or within 6 points of the winner. She'll be closer to Klobuchar than she is to bernie.

I only bet on sure things, like Trump supporters betting me in October that Trump wouldn't get impeached. #easymoney
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And she knows it. She's gotten to the point of pandering on a painful level. The latest example is promising to allow a trans child that she recently met to interview her secretary of education on her behalf.

It's almost sad when you see politicians get to this point but it happens in every presidential election. They see the writing on the wall and then panic, saying anything they can to find a base.

Sorry chief imahoe, your time is up.

Or is it less?
I only bet on sure things, like Trump supporters betting me in October that Trump wouldn't get impeached. #easymoney
of course he was going to get impeached. that was a given. it was also a given that he would be acquitted in the senate. probably smart to bet on his reelection in nov.
Boy, she pissed off John Roberts with her impeachment question. Even Schiff wasn't impressed with it.