Weird fact of the day


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
Native Americans never domesticated the horse. Europeans brought them over from Spain in the 1600s and taught the Indians how to use them. Prior to that, Indians used dogs to haul their stuff from place to place and to run deer and Buffalo off of cliffs.
We were taught that in elementary school. Do they not teach kids history anymore?
Um, duh. The Book of Mormon has horses in North America, like 1500 years ago. If you’re going to go around doubting the Bible part 2, then something something something and gold tablets and multiple wives.
Um, duh. The Book of Mormon has horses in North America, like 1500 years ago. If you’re going to go around doubting the Bible part 2, then something something something and gold tablets and multiple wives.
I agree. Things happened and nobody can't deny it.
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Also, Camels originated in North America....They were also twice as big as they are now..They migrated Northwest to other countries. Fun Fact. Also, the Aztec Calendar Was the closest calendar to represent life at the time. Also, pigs rats and diseases were brought by foreigners here.