EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak was the guy behind The Lancet's early 2020 articles and'task force' setup to debunk the lab leak theory. It took a good year, but The Lancet not only and finally disbanded the clearly biased 'task force,' but did an 180 degree about face and pressured Daszak and others to 'come clean.'
He still has not.
This is why the 'lab leak theory' is back in the news. Because the report took so long, and was 2 years late -- basically after the 'task force' as formed -- many believe they went well beyond what was authorized by the NIH, and designed to align with the messaging from Daszak. That they never went beyond the NIH allowances.
So without a full accounting, the 'lab leak' theory is going to continue ... and one with increasing bite.
They will stand by what they put in their 2 year late report, the one that toted the early Daszak-Lancet line. Now people are really questioning it, including this gentleman (Tabok) from the NIH. Clearly GoF was done. Clearly it was known. Clearly even that was in the report.
So Daszak et al. is trying to say SARS-CoV-2 couldn't have resulted from it ... toting the line.
But few now believe their report details everything that was done, and are now starting to question it.