What did we gain from the lockdowns?


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
We can now look back on them with 20/20 hindsight. What did they accomplish, and were they worth it?
Yet ANOTHER thread on this bullshit?
Now that the pandemic appears to be over, it seems like a worthwhile exercise to go back and review whether we made the right decisions.

Can't make the correct decisions in the future unless you know what mistakes you've made in the past.
We've learned that freedom loving peoples in a Western civilization will accept quite a bit of loss of those freedoms as long as they are scared of something. Whether this is a good thing or not remains to be seen.
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Well my small town movie theater is closed forever. It wiped that family out. We had a dozen or so small business close forever. Those people lost everything. Walmart , Amazon and Blue State governors made out like bandits. Was it worth it? yah to some they made a fortune and to small busineses and main streets everywhere people lost it all.
Well my small town movie theater is closed forever. It wiped that family out. We had a dozen or so small business close forever. Those people lost everything. Walmart , Amazon and Blue State governors made out like bandits. Was it worth it? yah to some they made a fortune and to small busineses and main streets everywhere people lost it all.
I remember saying last summer that movie theaters will never come back to being what they were. Our local theater is preparing to open back up but is going to be limited largely to 2nd run movies and weekend matinees for the foreseeable future.
We've learned that freedom loving peoples in a Western civilization will accept quite a bit of loss of those freedoms as long as they are scared of something. Whether this is a good thing or not remains to be seen.
If you didn’t already know that post 9/11 with the patriot act then I don’t know what to tell you. Only in the case of the pandemic you lost your freedom to roam a business without a mask. And after 9/11 we lost the freedom from illegal surveillance and monitoring. Definitely comparable things. But alas if you are unsatisfied there are many countries considered freer than the US where the “muh freedom” crowd could relocate.
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If you didn’t already know that post 9/11 with the patriot act then I don’t know what to tell you. Only in the case of the pandemic you lost your freedom to roam a business without a mask. And after 9/11 we lost the freedom from illegal surveillance and monitoring. Definitely comparable things. But alas if you are unsatisfied there are many countries considered freer than the US where the “muh freedom” crowd could relocate.
The 9/11 loss of privacy wasn’t obvious and they still had to go through a veneer of due process to ever use that against you. Beyond that, your Congressional representatives have voted for the surveillance and have also chosen not to remove it, thus it is legal surveillance. Call your Congressperson and bitch if you don’t like it.

These lockdowns are blatant restrictions that leverage executive emergency powers despite the costs and the prevailing scientific and public opinion.

As for that last sentence, how very authoritarian of you.
The 9/11 loss of privacy wasn’t obvious and they still had to go through a veneer of due process to ever use that against you. Beyond that, your Congressional representatives have voted for the surveillance and have also chosen not to remove it, thus it is legal surveillance. Call your Congressperson and bitch if you don’t like it.

These lockdowns are blatant restrictions that leverage executive emergency powers despite the costs and the prevailing scientific and public opinion.

As for that last sentence, how very authoritarian of you.
What freedoms do you think you have lost due to the pandemic?
look at what is happening in Brazil w Bolsonaro if you think a uniform Wild Wild West approach wouldn’t have been an even bigger disaster w the death toll, especially during wave 1
Any American can live in Florida then and experience no loss of “freedoms”. I don’t think we are on the same page with what we consider freedoms.
When you’ve owned a business for generations and the government comes and tells you to shut it down no matter what precautions you take for safety, that is a loss in freedom. Telling people they must stay in their houses, arresting people gathering in their own homes, and enacting curfews are infringements on freedoms.
When you’ve owned a business for generations and the government comes and tells you to shut it down no matter what precautions you take for safety, that is a loss in freedom. Telling people they must stay in their houses, arresting people gathering in their own homes, and enacting curfews are infringements on freedoms.
Fair enough. I think of those as temporary measures to mitigate the spread of a global pandemic rather than a permanent loss of freedom. It’s unfortunate that some businesses were not able to survive on the stimulus provided for the temporary time they were not allowed to operate normally. I don’t know about people arrested in their homes or being forced to stay inside their houses (I thought essential businesses always were open). But to the extent those things occurred I would say that is an infringement. Who was actively lobbying for those measures and willing to “give up” those things because of being scared of a virus. Was there any pushback?
Fair enough. I think of those as temporary measures to mitigate the spread of a global pandemic rather than a permanent loss of freedom. It’s unfortunate that some businesses were not able to survive on the stimulus provided for the temporary time they were not allowed to operate normally. I don’t know about people arrested in their homes or being forced to stay inside their houses (I thought essential businesses always were open). But to the extent those things occurred I would say that is an infringement. Who was actively lobbying for those measures and willing to “give up” those things because of being scared of a virus. Was there any pushback?
There are stories all over California about infringement on freedoms. It's the root of the over 2 million signature recall petition for Gavin Newsome. Episodes have been all over the news in places throughout the country so it's surprising that you haven't heard or read of any of them.
There are stories all over California about infringement on freedoms. It's the root of the over 2 million signature recall petition for Gavin Newsome. Episodes have been all over the news in places throughout the country so it's surprising that you haven't heard or read of any of them.
You think Newsome is going to lose a recall election?
Well in many States you couldn't eat in a restaurant or send you kids to school. Want to go to a gym? That is a big no. Want to have your kids play basketball? That is a big no. This are just small examples around the country about freedoms lost. Creating fines for businesses around mask wearing which the data still shows isn't working at any major scale. That was in Orlando! But you can drive over to Lake City and most places can care less about the masks.
None of that is a loss of freedom. You aren’t entitled to unrestricted access to those activities in the face of a pandemic. It isn’t infringing on your freedoms for businesses to be closed in general. If you show up to a business and it is closed they have done nothing to infringe on your freedoms. I realize it’s inconvenient for you to have to work around restaurants and gyms not being open to accommodate you but nothing has been lost.
Wow...amazing take and scary at that. I'm sure owners around these areas might think they are losing freedom. Somehow liquor stores were always open. Maybe because some politicians owned wineries. Not being able to send your kid to public school with a near zero chance of death is irresponsible. When the government is taking away freedom without data backing up the lockdowns is troublesome to me.

In the face of the pandemic is a bit dramatic. I'm a healthy 45 year old with no preexisting conditions. There is zero reason for the loss of freedoms with the survival rates in my group. You think the doctors, politicians, etc stopped hanging out with friends, parties, etc. We should see data really proving lockdowns worked by now. California lockdown multiple times.

New York just started allowing restaurants to be opened and they lead in deaths per capita.
You didn’t lose freedoms. That’s the point. You aren’t entitled to have a gym or restaurant accommodate you. The closures weren’t to to make life hard on you by forcing you to make a carry out order. They were meant to protect (along with federal assistance) those employees who would otherwise have little choice in the matter when deciding between earning an income and limiting public exposure to Coronavirus. In the face of an entitled populous many of whom refuse to follow social distancing and mask guidelines.