You're about the only person on here who constantly brings him up. Anybody who thinks a coach is the reason why anybody buys or doesn't buy tickets, is an idiot. It's the product on the field that matters....period. So in 2009-2014 when we were winning multiple conference titles, multiple 10 win seasons, playing in bowls and winning a BCS Bowl, are you saying that people didn't buy season tickets solely based upon who the coach was? Say that aloud to yourself and see how assanine that is. That's like saying Patriot fans only renew thier season tickets because Belichick is the coach....yeah, just ignore the four Superbowls and countless other seasons they went deep into the playoffs.
We don't have an expanding ticket base for a whole lot of reasons, with a big one being that people just aren't willing to spend a large chunk of money on any sport. We basically still have the same 15-20K hardcore fans we've always had and it will likely stay that way until a new generation of fans comes along.
We are so young as a real football program. Storied programs that have been around forever have multi-generational fan bases, where we barely have what equates to one generation. You go and see Grandpa, Dad, and sons all tailgating. That is not the norm with us when you walk around.
Also, kids these days don't seem all that interested in watching a game for 3 hrs because that doesn't involve staring at their phone so they can see pictures of what someone ate for lunch that day, or whatever inane info or thoughts 90% of Facebook is. Plus, you can watch the games on any device, anywhere. You can't magically create a true fanbase. Winning can make it up some but as soon as things go south you get to see who the hardcore fans are. It takes decades to build it up.