What is the sickest you have ever been?


Sep 5, 2007
Winter Park
I had walking pneumonia my junior year of HS. But we had state finals for academic team, and I wasn't missing that ( finished 4th or 5th ). I lost 45 pounds in five days ( 169 to 129 ). I had to miss senior year of football since it took me three years to gain 50 pounds.
Outside of getting food poisoning once when I was a kid I've never been really sick outside of a cold or runny nose.

8th grade -- got pneumonia, missed 7 days of school and dropped 15 pounds. Was 6'0" and 120 pounds when I came back to school.

1st year of teaching - some nasty ass flu bug went around campus. Caught it before a holiday weekend and couldn't keep anything in my system. Anything I ate or drank was vacated within minutes. 4 days of that and my bitch of an ex-wife ran away to her mom's house and just left supplies on the front door step for me to literally crawl to.
Influenza A and bronchitis. Missed a few weeks of work.
Now i have trouble feeling bad for those with that two or three days of sniffles and sneezes.


I got swine flu when that was going around my junior year at UCF. Hospital confirmed it was swine flu. I was puking my guts out for about 5 days straight with that one. Practically quarantined.

A few months later I came down with what is known as Pericarditis. Basically it is the swelling of the pericardium or the outside layer of the heart which holds it in place and helps it work. It can be caused by a variety of things including a viral infection or bacteria. When it hit it was the WORST PAIN in my life. Shooting pains in my chest and back that mimics what is experienced during a heart attack. It happened my senior year at UCF just as I was enjoying a meal in the student union. I thought I was having a heart attack, so naturally I had to go to the hospital. But upon arrival the pain had subsided drastically (the swelling subsided) and I knew it wasn't a heart attack. Because its a viral infection it had to work its way out naturally. I was given extra powerful anti-inflammatory medicine to keep the swelling down and I wasn't allowed to do anything physically demanding for a month. The worst part is, once you get pericarditis, you have almost a 30% chance to experience it again. Lord help me.
Longest I have ever been sick was when I had Mono. Fortunately, it didn't hit me too hard and just kinda felt tired for a long time.

Most sick - After EDC in 2013. I was running a very high fever for about 3 days. Couldn't move, sleeping was horrible. Luckily, both me and my boyfriend had it so we were able to be there for each other.
One time, after eating Laspada's, effer and I raced home and each took turns destroying our 1 bathroom until our bowels became vacuum. We swapped places for like 20 minutes over 3 rotations. It was almost like synchronized swimming.

This goes without saying, we never ate there again.
One time, after eating Laspada's, effer and I raced home and each took turns destroying our 1 bathroom until our bowels became vacuum. We swapped places for like 20 minutes over 3 rotations. It was almost like synchronized swimming.

This goes without saying, we never ate there again.
That's hot.*
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Most sick - After EDC in 2013. I was running a very high fever for about 3 days. Couldn't move, sleeping was horrible. Luckily, both me and my boyfriend had it so we were able to be there for each other.
We told you to go to the UCF football game that day, but you had to go to the stupid EDC, good for you. :)
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I had walking pneumonia my junior year of HS. But we had state finals for academic team, and I wasn't missing that ( finished 4th or 5th ). I lost 45 pounds in five days ( 169 to 129 ). I had to miss senior year of football since it took me three years to gain 50 pounds.
My youngest (now 7) had walking pneumonia when she was 6. Wasn't nearly as severe as yours, but still had us worrying.

As for me, the sickest I've ever been was when I went to the hospital for a severe case of strep. I can't remember how much weight I lost, but I may consider contracting it again to lose a few pounds.
One time, after eating Laspada's, effer and I raced home and each took turns destroying our 1 bathroom until our bowels became vacuum. We swapped places for like 20 minutes over 3 rotations. It was almost like synchronized swimming.

This goes without saying, we never ate there again.
When I read this post
Food poisoning and/or virus about three years ago. There was a severe stomach virus that went around the Midwest at that time. We had just gotten back from Illinois for a wedding, so it could have been the virus, but several other people at our table also got sick, so it also could have been food.

For a period of 24 hours I couldn't stop puking/defecating (sometimes both at the same time). I stayed home from work for two days and still felt like crap on the third day when I dragged myself in. I really didn't eat much of anything for about a week and mainly just drank Gatorade.

I also got the chicken pox when I was a sophomore in high school. It sucked getting it when I was so old. I still have a few pox scars from it to this day.
I had walking pneumonia my junior year of HS. But we had state finals for academic team, and I wasn't missing that ( finished 4th or 5th ). I lost 45 pounds in five days ( 169 to 129 ). I had to miss senior year of football since it took me three years to gain 50 pounds.

Seriously, how does one lose 45 lbs. in 5 days?