Most theater complexes are decent enough these days, but what theaters stand out to you in providing the best movie experience?
Most theater complexes are decent enough these days, but what theaters stand out to you in providing the best movie experience?
The Enzian in Maitland.
I used to live for going to see movies in the theatre; however, I can probably count on both hands how many times I've been to the movie theatre in the last 5 years. For me it comes down to the assholes in the theatre that are talking and/or texting, and that the films are generally shit-level awful. Why go and talk? It's not your friggin' living room. Although that's always been a problem, the glow of cell phone screens has been the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Add to that the fact that the quality of the films being shown these days could only possibly appeal to knuckle-draggers and it's just an experience I'd rather avoid altogether.
All of that said, the only theatres that I'll even consider going to nowadays are ones in which you can choose your seat beforehand (typically with those electric recliners) and which serve decent food/drink (e.g., Cinebistro, etc.).