What would you do?


Sep 5, 2007
Winter Park
I'm gonna give a scenario that Tony Kornheiser related on his local DC radio show this morning.

You live in a neighborhood with a back alley for your garage and trash pickup. You have two trash cans. One for recyclables and the other for unsorted trash. On Friday, after the last trash pick up of the week, you take out a bag to your cans. One of the cans is full. Taking a quick look at the garbage already there, it has dog food in it, and you don't own a dog. You let it go, and just move on.

Two days later, you take another bag of trash out of your house, and now the other can is full with trash bags that aren't even the kind you use. There are two houses directly behind yours, and both have trash overflowing out of their respective cans.

What would you do in this situation?
Probably beat the guys ass, then assault the cop that asks me about it, and then get shot dead while running towards said cop, reaching for his gun.
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As long as the hauler doesn't charge you for extra bags, nothing. Tie off my bag and leave it for the garbage truck. If it becomes an issue that involves getting charged extra, then I'm installing a camera and catching them in the act. And if the bags match the bags in the cans across the street, then I'm pulling them out and stacking them on the other pile.
The funniest name for a store at the mall is "Footaction."

I would kill the neighbor's dog and put it in his trashcan.
Id start stacking my trash on the neighbors can. It would be easy to tell by the trash bags which one is doing it. A couple full bags of diapers and Im sure theyd get the message.
I'd sit on my back stoop in the dark and as they come up to drop trash, I would quietly pop a zippo lighter open and close a couple of times, just so that they knew that I was there watching them and then I would quietly pull a cigarette out of my pocket, stick it in my mouth and put the pack away. Flip the zippo open and close 2 more times and then let loose with a 50 foot stream of fire from the flame thrower on my back and roast them until they were just dust and then put my cigarette away because I don't smoke and sweep up their remains and toss it in their garbage and go back inside and watch Jeopardy re-runs.

That or write a stern, passive/aggressive note on my trash can.
Call code enforcement on the owner for the trash violation and animal control on the dog. Just for kicks and doesnt cost a thing.
Fill up the can with helium balloons so that when they take the lid off they all float away.
Is the assumption that they are making it so you can't throw your trash away? Like the city won't take it if it's overflowing?
If it's not a problem, who cares. If it is, and there are only two suspects, wouldn't it make more sense to just walk over and tell each one that someone has been leaving trash in my bin in a way where it's causing issues for me and give them the number of the city waste management so they can request another bin?
There are so many people that want to destroy the Earth. Would you rather they throw it into the rivers and oceans instead of your garbage can? It's not their fault they create so much trash and you all need to be more considerate. Garbage can privilege is a real problem.
Keep the can in your garage until garbage day?
Yeah, who the fukc leaves their trash cans out all the time? What kind of urban neighborhood is that?

Seriously, trash goes out day of or night prior, that's it.
Yeah, who the fukc leaves their trash cans out all the time? What kind of urban neighborhood is that?

Seriously, trash goes out day of or night prior, that's it.
Oh, listen to this, Mr. Middle Class. I live in DC now, I'm fancy, I drive a boat, I have a garage, I have my own garbage cans. Get off your high horse Mr. Washington.
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