I've worked at a couple of bars that let us have open bar for an hour or so after close, if we hit our numbers. That was pretty sweet. And also smart. We would have robbed the place blind if they prohibited it, but since they said it was ok, nobody drank top shelf, drank too much, etc. Places that did food comp but no liquor comp were stupid if you ask me. With the ones I've owned, they get 2:00 to 2:30 to drink whatever they want out of the well and draught beer. Because it is free, everybody does a shot, drinks a beer while they clean and drives home sober around 330 or so. Works out fine. If I didnt, they would all sneak flasks out and get loaded in the parking lot, then kill somebody.
I worked at a big law firm that had lots of perks. Free laptop, free dry cleaning, free shoe shine, free car detail, free airport transfer even if you weren't traveling on business, one week of paid "vacation" at firm retreat, free food delivery up to $50 if you billed after 7pm, use of the firm skyboxes and boats a couple of times a year, $5000 in expense account without any questions asked, after that you had better start pulling receipts, etc.