What's wrong with Conservative answers to charged Progressive questions?


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001
This is exactly what's wrong with Conservative answers to charged Progressive questions ...


"CNN reporter Jim Acosta:
The Statue of Liberty says 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.' ...
White House advisor Stephen Miller
... "Secondly, I don’t want to get off on a whole thing about history here, but the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of liberty and lightening the world. It’s a symbol of American liberty lighting the world. The poem that you’re referring to was added later. It’s not actually a part of the original Statue of Liberty."

No, the Statue of Liberty very much does say "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearing to breathe free" as a tongue-in-cheek, meaning ...

"You think these people are worthless. Let them come to America and show us their worth, as free men and women, in the land of opportunity."

And not (what Progressives essentially argue) ...

"Send us your problems and our taxpayers will take care of them for you."

The US is the land of opportunity, and each should make their worth known. The entire non-sense of everything from work Visas to services is what so many of my European friends don't realize what the US does, and once they learn of such, they are shocked, and even say, "That's not being a liberal!"

Visas upset the balance of opportunity and jobs. Everyone should have green cards, and they will leave if they cannot find work, especially if taxpayer benefits are not served out to those who are undocumented. I have no problem with undocumented residents who work hard and don't commit fraud, they are our future. It's everything from the taxpayer abusers to organized crime that is our problem.

Conservatives are ill equipped to deal with a Progressive US media agenda.
That Stephen Miller dude embarrassed Acosta Acosta knew nothing about immigration numbers or difference between legal and illegal immigration plus Acosta's embarrassing notion that only Brits and Aussies can speak English.and no one else.

As I said ... Conservatives don't know how to handle Progressives. We Libertarians go facepalm ... constantly. Libertarians totally flip the script, and Progressives don't know what to do, when they are used to arguing with Conservatives.

The Conservative and Progressive media has to hope for a rare moment like Johnson thinking someone used an acronym, when they changed subjects to Syria by mentioning "Aleppo" out of the blue. You don't seen many such moments out of Libertarians like Johnson, Paul and others ... but they get play when they happen, over and over and over.

I mean, doesn't anyone remember all the foreign policy goofs of Obama in late 2007 and early 2008? Pakistan certainly does, even before the drone warfare of 2009+. No one wants to talk the depth of an issue, just one-liners and common rhetoric an 8 year-old can use.
i havent gotten to look at trumps new proposal for immigration reform, but on the surface, it seems good
i havent gotten to look at trumps new proposal for immigration reform, but on the surface, it seems good
If Trump would stick to a number of his campaign promises, most of them are not remotely incompatible with freedom, much more many are rooted in Libertarianism.

He's gone back on his LGBT promises, focusing on organized crime elements first and several other things. I didn't vote for him because I figured he's catered far more to the right-wing than where he was when he ran as a Libertarian in 2000, but he's gone well beyond where I even thought he'd be.

I mean, one of the reasons Trump got a number of votes from Obama voters is because his 'New York values' have traditionally been stronger than Hillary, who got 'beat up' when she first ran in the state over 15 years ago. But he's clearly shed those, and many of his promises.

We'll see what happens with the immigration law. A lot of times the US media demonizes 'common sense,' and while Trump has been a blowhard and a PR nightmare, when you look at the details, some things are common sense and not incompatible with freedom.

Although he really screwed up on his initial Executive Order, putting in no provisions to protect legal US residents. His follow-up was much better. I'm also tired of the US media not covering the fact that some of the Court rulings would have been against Obama Executive Orders too.

A lot of this didn't start when Trump got into office. E.g., Obama, even purposefully (to make it a sad song), deported US military veterans.