When did "Mexican" become a race?


Diamond Knight
Sep 1, 2006
7th level of Dante's Inferno.
Honest question.

I hear a lot of charges of "racism" when someone refers to "Mexican" when referring to someone from Mexico. Especially during this whole immigration mess.

Last I checked, it is a country, not a race...

When I went to the Yucatan, Cozumel, etc, I noticed a plethora of different people. Spanish, Mayan, Black, White, Asian...all living in Mexico. All Making a living in Mexico.

So, honest question. When did "Mexican" become a race? Similar to Islam in a way when people are called racists when referring to Islamic religion (very ignorant sounding to me). It doesn't make any sense to me as I have known some very Caucasian Muslims.

If everything today is about being politically correct, why don't they get the nomenclature...correct???
It's kinda like how "Coke" refers to all soda and "Xerox" refers to making copies. It's just easier.
Yeah, I wouldn't read too much into it, Mr. K.

It is a catchall referring to brown skinned immigration from Central America, predominately Mexicans across the 1900 mile border. You could use Hispanic interchangeably.

It is no different, in context, of referring to White people, when your actual skin color is not white, K.
As much as I loathe Trump right now, I'm 100% with Jeb ... "Give me another term than 'anchor babies.'"

As much as the politically correct left-wing wants to dodge it, there are serious, organized crime issues with anchor babies, even if not the babies themselves. Same goes for the 'haven/harbor cities,' the issue is that it is easier to avoid prosecution for violent crimes as an undocumented resident, than a citizen, not that illegal aliens are more likely to commit them.

If the Republicans can get the media to focus on these truths, instead of the agenda the 90%+ Democratic voting media wants to paint the Republicans as focusing on, then we'll start addressing the real issues. But Trump is hardly helping the situation here.

Which is why you see the whole "Mexican" term be marked as "racist," even though Mexico -- the country (which Trump does, at times, try to focus on) -- actually has serious, organized crime issues we're directly involved with.
Yeah, I wouldn't read too much into it, Mr. K.

It is a catchall referring to brown skinned immigration from Central America, predominately Mexicans across the 1900 mile border. You could use Hispanic interchangeably.

It is no different, in context, of referring to White people, when your actual skin color is not white, K.

Isn't that what causes confusion and ignorance in the first place? Let me explain. Again, a good portion of Mexico are of Mayan and Aztec (native) origin (stereo-typically the people of shorter stature and very dark complexion) and are not Hispanic or of Spanish-European origin at all. In the Western Caribbean portions of Mexico there is a HUGE population of people of African origin that identify as Mexican.

Would it be safe to assume that there is ignorance on the north side of the border on many sides of the political spectrum?
Just don't say anything about someone with a different color skin.
I have to agree. You touch it, you lose ... so don't. This is now playing out on a national stage too.

The problem is that even talking about Mexico -- the country -- tends to get this flag. Which is why Republicans say there is a left-leaning media bias, outside of Fox News (which is then concentrated into a single, right-leaning one).

For anyone leaning right, it's extremely difficult to actually deal with the fact that over 90% of media personalities vote Democrat, without them spinning what anyone says into what they want them to say. And now with Trump, that's a whole lot easier, because he even goes where they want Republicans to go.

Which is why Republicans cannot even get the "All Lives Matter" message out, and so forth. And no matter what Jeb says, it will be spun another way. Trump has already answered for him. Although the backlash is still building, and explains a lot of Trump's popularity. Even though the media tries to spin it as there are more racists in the country than they thought, because of Trump's popularity.

I've already grabbed the popcorn on this one.
Isn't that what causes confusion and ignorance in the first place? Let me explain. Again, a good portion of Mexico are of Mayan and Aztec (native) origin (stereo-typically the people of shorter stature and very dark complexion) and are not Hispanic or of Spanish-European origin at all. In the Western Caribbean portions of Mexico there is a HUGE population of people of African origin that identify as Mexican.

Would it be safe to assume that there is ignorance on the north side of the border on many sides of the political spectrum?

It would be safe to assume that people in general don't know the exact origins of many other groups of people, themselves included. A majority of Americans can't even tell you who the Americas are named after or that someone calling them an idiot on a internet message board has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech.
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I had a Puerto Rican gf, and I constantly told her that Latino is not a race. Those debates were great.

The reality is people want terms to box people into and try to use race as the defining characteristic, but they don't have one. So they just use the easiest term and put in context for people to understand what they mean. Most of the times they are wrong. Just laugh at their ignorance.
Point is non-White Mexicans should be referred to as mestizos. I hear people all the time who think blatantly non-White people who were born in White countries are considered White. What is so special about land White people control as opposed to the land non-White people control?
Why must my people be force integrated in with these other people without even having a public vote on immigration or integration?

It IS genocide.

Nobody is talking about flooding Black countries with non-Blacks.

Nobody is talking about flooding Asian countries with non-Asians.

Why is it people ONLY talk about flooding ALL and ONLY White countries?

These people are actually arguing for the genocide of White people.

They say they are anti-racist, but we ALL know they are actually anti-White, and love talking about this on-going program of genocide.

You see, anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White.

This is just about the most racist thing I've heard, and I lived in the delta of MS. You should know that you're a racist. Your views aren't profound, they're ignorant.
The guys are joining the Mexican race
So, part of the reason I posted this is because I started dating a lady recently that is Caucasian, Blonde...pretty stereotypically "white".

Here's where it gets fun.

We were talking about all this stupid, arbitrary classifications and categorizations of "race" the other night. We both believe it should not be asked to begin with if it truly shouldn't matter. Anyway, her parents are from Spain, and are as Caucasian as it gets. She told me a story how her father got in a shouting match filling out some forms at the DMV because they put down "White" or "Caucasian"...because they are. The agent tried to tell them to put "Hispanic" and they said "No, we are not Hispanic, we are Caucasian...FROM SPAIN!!!". It got the DMV management involved who relented. She said her parents deal with this all the time. People assuming they are "Hispanic"...or "Mexican" because they speak Spanish...but they are from Spain. This falls in line with OTHER people I've known from SPAIN that identify as "White" or "Caucasian" and do not "get" the "Hispanic" categorizations at all...especially the "White...non-Hispanic" classification that appeared lately.

My Bass-player is from Portugal and this happens to him too from time-to-time. He hates it. "I'm Portugeuse!!! Caucasian!!!!"
Yeah, I wouldn't read too much into it, Mr. K.

It is a catchall referring to brown skinned immigration from Central America, predominately Mexicans across the 1900 mile border. You could use Hispanic interchangeably.

It is no different, in context, of referring to White people, when your actual skin color is not white, K.
I dispute this, since I am pretty close to the actual color of white. And my relatives up north are even whiter. I'm way "darker" than any of them.
