When does the Union break up?


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Nov 30, 2005
How much longer will we last? How many countries will the US become?
i think we will continue to be divided by the far left media and politicians after trumps reelection. i think the violence will get a lot worse over the next 4 years. i dont think we we will split though.
When you have people now feeling emboldened to openly cheer for a guy's slow death due to cancer, purely due to that person exercising free speech to voice opinions contrary to their own, I'd say we're pretty close to the whole thing going down the shitter.
When you have people now feeling emboldened to openly cheer for a guy's slow death due to cancer, purely due to that person exercising free speech to voice opinions contrary to their own, I'd say we're pretty close to the whole thing going down the shitter.

That's nothing new to our politics.
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When you have people now feeling emboldened to openly cheer for a guy's slow death due to cancer, purely due to that person exercising free speech to voice opinions contrary to their own, I'd say we're pretty close to the whole thing going down the shitter.

We have literally had leaders and prominent people people killed because of their political views throughout our history, so I don't think people's views of Rush Limbaugh is going to matter much with regards to the standing of our country.
When you have people now feeling emboldened to openly cheer for a guy's slow death due to cancer, purely due to that person exercising free speech to voice opinions contrary to their own, I'd say we're pretty close to the whole thing going down the shitter.
That's not true, I want him to die quickly not slowly.
We have literally had leaders and prominent people people killed because of their political views throughout our history, so I don't think people's views of Rush Limbaugh is going to matter much with regards to the standing of our country.

True, I guess we've always had unhinged lunatics like @fried-chicken
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How much longer will we last? How many countries will the US become?
I don't think it can be a geographical split since all the cities (where GDP is generated) lean dem and all the empty space where no one lives (flat dirt) lean republican.

We'd probably need to just give all the rednecks 40 acres and a hound dog in Montana. To get them bunched up before the split.
Every dynasty comes to an end. Usually when the government can no longer provide. We are already to the point where almost half the population pays zero federal taxes. There won't be much to steal from the productive soon.
I don't think it can be a geographical split since all the cities (where GDP is generated) lean dem and all the empty space where no one lives (flat dirt) lean republican.

We'd probably need to just give all the rednecks 40 acres and a hound dog in Montana. To get them bunched up before the split.
Now that is funny! (and partly true!) :joy:
So as we continue to polarize and retreat deeper in to our does the tide turn back to sensibility when no one is seemingly even attempting to find common ground?? There has to be something we all rally around. A natural catastrophe? A massive attack on American soil?

Less purple ...darker reds and blues seems to be the trajectory. If that continues over the next few decades how does this continue to work in its current construct?
So as we continue to polarize and retreat deeper in to our does the tide turn back to sensibility when no one is seemingly even attempting to find common ground?? There has to be something we all rally around. A natural catastrophe? A massive attack on American soil?

Less purple ...darker reds and blues seems to be the trajectory. If that continues over the next few decades how does this continue to work in its current construct?

Just wondering, but why do you want to find common ground with Nazis and racists?
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Just wondering, but why do you want to find common ground with Nazis and racists?

I kinda have my own idea. I don't think there's a real way back short of a raised level of consciousness. People surely aren't just going to wake up and "see the light" that the other side is shining. There has to be a real paradigm shift. Something revolutionary.

There's levels to this shit right? We got to a certain point. Our institutions across the board are failing and intelligent people recognize this isn't the optimal way to "do things". How do we level up?
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I kinda have my own idea. I don't think there's a real way back short of a raised level of consciousness. People surely aren't just going to wake up and "see the light" that the other side is shining. There has to be a real paradigm shift. Something revolutionary.

There's levels to this shit right? We got to a certain point. Our institutions across the board are failing and intelligent people recognize this isn't the optimal way to "do things". How do we level up?
It's all faux outrage. If we have some sort of natural disaster or a foreign attack we'll all band together again. Politics is just entertainment.
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I kinda have my own idea. I don't think there's a real way back short of a raised level of consciousness. People surely aren't just going to wake up and "see the light" that the other side is shining. There has to be a real paradigm shift. Something revolutionary.

There's levels to this shit right? We got to a certain point. Our institutions across the board are failing and intelligent people recognize this isn't the optimal way to "do things". How do we level up?

You are on to something. A good starting point is realizing that morons shouldn't be able to vote. If you are too stupid to do your own research and just sit back guzzling mountain dews while listening to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh why the hell should you be allowed to have the same voice in the government as you or I?

My point is, democracy isn't perfect, because it gives the same power to stupid people as smart people. Every choice has a right or wrong answer, and we've been choosing the wrong answer because we believe stupid people should have a voice.
It's all faux outrage. If we have some sort of natural disaster or a foreign attack we'll all band together again. Politics is just entertainment.

I thought you were one who believed we were headed down a scary path when it comes to wealth consolidation etc. And that the end result is pretty scary unless something really changes. Are you separating that from usual politics? Prob gotta be some overlap right?
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I thought you were one who believed we were headed down a scary path when it comes to wealth consolidation etc. And that the end result is pretty scary unless something really changes. Are you separating that from usual politics? Prob gotta be some overlap right?
Dont take my comment as being not concerned, I really am and think we have to address things sooner rather than later. I'm saying that in general, most people view politics as a spectator sport and cheer for their team. Very few people actually dig into things.
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Is anyone else watching the SotU? Trump just said that 180 million people love their private health insurance....I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that our healthcare system is an absolute joke. And if you don't agree with it, you can be proven 100% wrong. The US routinely overpays and under delivers.

Health care reform is a top priority, our system is a total joke.
When you have people now feeling emboldened to openly cheer for a guy's slow death due to cancer, purely due to that person exercising free speech to voice opinions contrary to their own, I'd say we're pretty close to the whole thing going down the shitter.
I have to agree with this. As much as I think Limbaugh is a hypocritical gasbag, and I've never liked him, it is rather sick how some people think.

Although Trump giving him a medal didn't help. But at the same time, we've given all sorts of medals to controversial media personalities.
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Is anyone else watching the SotU? Trump just said that 180 million people love their private health insurance....I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that our healthcare system is an absolute joke. And if you don't agree with it, you can be proven 100% wrong. The US routinely overpays and under delivers.

Health care reform is a top priority, our system is a total joke.
All insurance companies practice the 3 D's....DENY, DELAY, DETER. How many lies did he tell last night? Sickening.
I kinda have my own idea. I don't think there's a real way back short of a raised level of consciousness. People surely aren't just going to wake up and "see the light" that the other side is shining. There has to be a real paradigm shift. Something revolutionary.

There's levels to this shit right? We got to a certain point. Our institutions across the board are failing and intelligent people recognize this isn't the optimal way to "do things". How do we level up?

We need more than 2 political parties. If we had 3 or 4 or 5 and they were open to working with those who had similar ideas on some issues but maybe not others we would see more communication and less obstruction.

We almost need to force a system where we create additional parties.
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We need more than 2 political parties. If we had 3 or 4 or 5 and they were open to working with those who had similar ideas on some issues but maybe not others we would see more communication and less obstruction.

We almost need to force a system where we create additional parties.

I would go the other way. I don't think we need political parties at all. No parties would make people actually look at issues instead of cheering for their political team. Obviously that won't happen though.
We need more than 2 political parties. If we had 3 or 4 or 5 and they were open to working with those who had similar ideas on some issues but maybe not others we would see more communication and less obstruction.
We almost need to force a system where we create additional parties.
No we don't. We just need to stop the subsidy of the 2 parties. We also need to have a non-partisan, instead of bi-partisan, debate commission.

We can start by requiring 3rd parties to be mentioned in the 1st question on a poll, instead of no earlier than 7th. We also need to penalize polling news agencies like CNN for violating civil liberties when they leave entire swaths of polled people out of the results, because they don't match well.

E.g., CNN leaving off the 18-29 age group because Gary Johnson was polling #1, and it caused him to break the 15% threshhold in the summer of 2016, which was over double Ross Perot's at the same time during the summer of 1992.
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I have to agree with this. As much as I think Limbaugh is a hypocritical gasbag, and I've never liked him, it is rather sick how some people think.

Although Trump giving him a medal didn't help. But at the same time, we've given all sorts of medals to controversial media personalities.

This guy has been spitting racist, misogynistic garbage for 30+ years and now you guys think it is sick how people think? I will never understand the disconnect.
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This guy has been spitting racist, misogynistic garbage for 30+ years and now you guys think it is sick how people think? I will never understand the disconnect.

Obama have the Freedom Medal to a guy who killed a teenager while shitfaced and you’re all mad about a guy who talked on the radio.

At least your outrage priorities are in order
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This guy has been spitting racist, misogynistic garbage for 30+ years and now you guys think it is sick how people think? I will never understand the disconnect.
People are defined by how they treat others ... especially the people they dislike most.

Progressive talking heads and even everyday Americans remind me of this when they talk about women from Sarah Palin (let alone her underaged kids) to Melania Trump.**

It's funny, but most everyday Christians, even the far right, don't tolerate such talk, even about the left, from Republicans. And I said everyday Christians, which is not the same as Fox News.

**NOTE: I'm still tired of some Progressives not recognizing that Slavs can be victims of racism, no different than African-Americans. For some reason, they consider her 'white' and think it's 'allowed.' Slavic racism is centuries older than African-American racism. And yes, I called out the right wing when they did similar crap to Michelle Obama too. But for some reason, too many Progressive Americans think it's not possible with Slavs, and are utterly ignorant of it too.
Obama have the Freedom Medal to a guy who killed a teenager while shitfaced and you’re all mad about a guy who talked on the radio.
At least your outrage priorities are in order
I don't think Rush should have been given the Freedom Medal. I don't think two wrongs make a right.
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People are defined by how they treat others ... especially the people they dislike most.

Progressive talking heads and even everyday Americans remind me of this when they talk about women from Sarah Palin (let alone her underaged kids) to Melania Trump.**

It's funny, but most everyday Christians, even the far right, don't tolerate such talk, even about the left, from Republicans. And I said everyday Christians, which is not the same as Fox News.

**NOTE: I'm still tired of some Progressives not recognizing that Slavs can be victims of racism, no different than African-Americans. For some reason, they consider her 'white' and think it's 'allowed.' Slavic racism is centuries older than African-American racism. And yes, I called out the right wing when they did similar crap to Michelle Obama too. But for some reason, too many Progressive Americans think it's not possible with Slavs, and are utterly ignorant of it too.
You just lump everyone in the same group. Anyone that says something bad about Palin or Melania is all Progressives.