Where the #$&@ do they get this stuff?


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
Last night 60 Minutes on CBS featured a Facebook whistleblower who talked about their company's algorithms designed to keep their users "engaged" in the site. This is how conspiracy theory nutjobs get emboldened because Facebook makes them feel like they're not alone and provides them with the looney content they crave and makes a whole bunch of money doing it.

Clearly, this is not unique to Facebook. Twitter and other platforms work the same way. Like cigarette smoking back in the 50s and 60s, everybody knows this stuff is bad for you but that never stopped the tobacco companies from acting innocent and getting people addicted.

So if you ever wonder why political discourse has become so frickin' crazy nowadays or wonder how in the hell posters here can come up with all the crazy garbage they dump (oops, I mean link) here, there's a reason why they see it and you don't.
Yeah, KNIGHTTIME, it's everybody else who's being brainwashed. :rolleyes:

You’re absolutely saying that it’s Facebook telling other people what they want to hear. “Everybody else” if you will.

But you seem to be missing the fact that your own timeline is designed to reinforce YOU and your own stuff too.

It’s made YOU one of those crazy people too, just a different kind than the ones you hate. You say some wild and ridiculous stuff in here, and have some pretty hysterical opinions on a lot of stuff.
Never been on Twitter, though I understand it is a Progressive hell hole. I use face book less and less.
Never been on Twitter, though I understand it is a Progressive hell hole. I use face book less and less.
Twitter is actually pretty useful IMO. Good aggregator of news. You can scroll through an entire day's worth of headlines in just a few minutes if you follow the right people.
But you seem to be missing the fact that your own timeline is designed to reinforce YOU and your own stuff too.

It’s made YOU one of those crazy people too, just a different kind than the ones you hate. You say some wild and ridiculous stuff in here, and have some pretty hysterical opinions on a lot of stuff.
I say some 'wild and ridiculous' stuff and have some 'pretty hysterical' opinions here?

Was it when I said COVID-19 was a hell of a lot more serious than Trump was making it out to be? Or was it when I said everybody should get the COVID-19 vaccine shots? Maybe it was when I said Derek Chauvin was guilty as sin? Or that Biden won the 2020 POTUS election? Or that busting into the Capitol to "Stop the Steal" was kind of a big deal?

Fact is, I don't have a Facebook account so try again. I do have a Twitter account but you don't see me posting a bunch of crazy sh!t from there.
They knew early and allowed international flights. If the lab created virus was accidentally released, why did they want it to spread around the world? I never understood that part with China and really not providing facts early. Did they believe they could get the upper hand on containment and allow the world to suffer? Was it to create a large distraction with the trade dispute? Get Trump out of office with a virus spreading over the US? In reality the minute one infected person was in the US there was no stopping it. Lockdowns, chud masks, etc did nothing but slightly slow the inevitable that it would spread until there is enough immunity.
I think China thought: we are selling too much crap to the west, let's release a virus that is going to cripple their economy so we don't make as much money (besides TP and bottled water).

BTW, if you get your news from Facebook, Twitter or any of those platform, you are a moron. It is similar to Disney, they'll try to please you so you don't go anywhere else, even for a day. Go read the news at the news sites: Fox, CNN, NBC, CBS, NYTimes, NY Post, Sentinel, etc., and draw your own conclusions.
If you are dependent on what somebody else posts, you are exposed to his/her bias, especially if an algorithm is picking what you see
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I think China thought: we are selling too much crap to the west, let's release a virus that is going to cripple their economy so we don't make as much money (besides TP and bottled water).

BTW, if you get your news from Facebook, Twitter or any of those platform, you are a moron. It is similar to Disney, they'll try to please you so you don't go anywhere else, even for a day. Go read the news at the news sites: Fox, CNN, NBC, CBS, NYTimes, NY Post, Sentinel, etc., and draw your own conclusions.
If you are dependent on what somebody else posts, you are exposed to his/her bias, especially if an algorithm is picking what you see
They didn’t do it on purpose, you dolt.
I think it was a lab accident but once it was known to be highly contagious their actions were pretty puzzling. They still won't allow research into the origins of covid although it is kind of obvious it was lab created.

I also don't know why the United States didn't call it out early about the origins? Questions that I have around it.
Why would we call them out about it? We're the ones that created it.
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Last night 60 Minutes on CBS featured a Facebook whistleblower who talked about their company's algorithms designed to keep their users "engaged" in the site. This is how conspiracy theory nutjobs get emboldened because Facebook makes them feel like they're not alone and provides them with the looney content they crave and makes a whole bunch of money doing it.

Clearly, this is not unique to Facebook. Twitter and other platforms work the same way. Like cigarette smoking back in the 50s and 60s, everybody knows this stuff is bad for you but that never stopped the tobacco companies from acting innocent and getting people addicted.

So if you ever wonder why political discourse has become so frickin' crazy nowadays or wonder how in the hell posters here can come up with all the crazy garbage they dump (oops, I mean link) here, there's a reason why they see it and you don't.
What’s interesting to me is your takeaway from the whistleblower interview.

That interview was about how Facebook’s algorithm works to show you content that you’re most likely to engage with, and the reality is that it’s most easy to get someone to emotionally engage with anger.

The algorithm is literally designed to make you angry. That’s not a uniquely right or left wing thing, and it’s not about conspiracy theories.

This is one of the more important stories of the last decade, and you think it’s just about right wing conspiracies.

It’s far far bigger than that. This has the potential to destroy American culture completely.
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This is one of the more important stories of the last decade, and you think it’s just about right wing conspiracies.

It’s far far bigger than that. This has the potential to destroy American culture completely.
I used the story to explain the nonsense we see here (I wouldn't trash right-wingers by calling it right-wing) but you are absolutely right.

Never underestimate a company's willingness to put people's lives in danger for their profit line. This was true in the 1960s with tobacco companies and its true of Facebook today.
I used the story to explain the nonsense we see here (I wouldn't trash right-wingers by calling it right-wing) but you are absolutely right.

Never underestimate a company's willingness to put people's lives in danger for their profit line. This was true in the 1960s with tobacco companies and its true of Facebook today.
"Never underestimate a company's willingness to put people's lives in danger for their profit line."

Also. "Believe Pfizer"

Can't even make this stuff up anymore, lol.
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The left in America today literally roots for or against pharmaceuticals of their choice in spite of the data, and deny the proven fact that Russian collusion was a hoax, and yet these dumbasses are STILL trying to lecture us on how we should think.
I used the story to explain the nonsense we see here (I wouldn't trash right-wingers by calling it right-wing) but you are absolutely right.

Never underestimate a company's willingness to put people's lives in danger for their profit line. This was true in the 1960s with tobacco companies and its true of Facebook today.
It’s not that Facebook shows you nonsense.

They’ve changed from showing what your friends post in order, to an algorithm that shows you what you’re most likely to engage with. Forget about what your friends posted, here’s some stuff we think will make you get angry and stay on the app.

They’re intentionally provoking you for profit. Unfortunately that’s pulling people further towards the extremes politically, and making the vast, reasonable middle of the political spectrum virtually invisible online.

That’s why you believe that 1/6 was more than it was. It was a riot, and a nasty one; but nothing more than a stupid tantrum.

But people (on the left this time) want to believe that their cause is the righteous one, and they’re fighting against evil. So the online people on the left paint 1/6 as the worst disaster and biggest threat to democracy of all time, because it makes YOU feel angry at everyone on the right, and also further justified in your anger. That’s a perfect piece of content to get engagement.

Mainstream media just takes their cues from social media and gives you more of the same for the same reasons.

I’m not really interested in going another round with you on 1/6, but maybe this makes you think a little bit about where this stuff comes from and why it spreads so much.
They’re intentionally provoking you for profit.

That’s why you believe that 1/6 was more than it was. It was a riot, and a nasty one; but nothing more than a stupid tantrum.
I didn't need Facebook to watch on live TV as a Trump mob broke into our nation's Capitol to prevent Congress from certifying Biden's EC election (which they did, if only temporarily.)

As we heard on Sunday, Facebook removed its safety protocols AFTER THE ELECTION. Apparently it was fine and dandy to make money getting Chud Nation riled up with conspiracy story after conspiracy story which Trump used to build momentum leading up to the grand finale on January 6th in Washington DC.

I suspect one of the reasons Facebook banned Trump from the site was to help obscure the company's complicity.
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I didn't need Facebook to watch on live TV as a Trump mob broke into our nation's Capitol to prevent Congress from certifying Biden's EC election (which they did, if only temporarily.)

As we heard on Sunday, Facebook removed its safety protocols AFTER THE ELECTION. Apparently it was fine and dandy to make money getting Chud Nation riled up with conspiracy story after conspiracy story which Trump used to build momentum leading up to the grand finale on January 6th in Washington DC.

I suspect one of the reasons Facebook banned Trump from the site was to help obscure the company's complicity.

You're pretty close to getting it, but still too much in the grasp of it to really understand it.

You probably still think the solution is Facebook cracking down on the spread of “misinformation.”

Facebook itself IS THE PROBLEM.

They’ve made their whole bet on keeping you scrolling by any means necessary, which means that the only thing that matters to them is grabbing you emotionally. The easiest way to do that is by pissing you off.

For the right, maybe that’s with some stop the steal stuff, videos of Biden not being able to complete a thought, or Ben Shapiro clips.

For the left, it’s probably videos that show racist cops with commentary about how all cops are complicit, clips explaining how the 1% aren’t paying their fair share, or some Republican congressman being mean to AOC.

This content has radicalized people on both sides to unacceptable violence. We don’t have the Capitol riot without it, and we almost certainly don’t have Targets and Foot Lockers looted all over the country last summer without that content either.

Wake the hell up and realize that it’s not just people you disagree with being pulled away from the center by this shitty social media company.

You're pretty close to getting it, but still too much in the grasp of it to really understand it.

You probably still think the solution is Facebook cracking down on the spread of “misinformation.”

Facebook itself IS THE PROBLEM.

They’ve made their whole bet on keeping you scrolling by any means necessary, which means that the only thing that matters to them is grabbing you emotionally. The easiest way to do that is by pissing you off.

For the right, maybe that’s with some stop the steal stuff, videos of Biden not being able to complete a thought, or Ben Shapiro clips.

For the left, it’s probably videos that show racist cops with commentary about how all cops are complicit, clips explaining how the 1% aren’t paying their fair share, or some Republican congressman being mean to AOC.

This content has radicalized people on both sides to unacceptable violence. We don’t have the Capitol riot without it, and we almost certainly don’t have Targets and Foot Lockers looted all over the country last summer without that content either.

Wake the hell up and realize that it’s not just people you disagree with being pulled away from the center by this shitty social media company.
Shuckster will never get it. He is a leftist shill that doesn't care about truth, he just wants his political party to win at any cost necessary. He'll give up anything including his faith in God and the doctrine of his church for it. His soul is on the bargaining table as it were. The entire left is that way now, they will craft their vision of society based on the direction the winds blow. Nothing is sacred, the only thing that matters is popular opinion.
Social media, generally speaking, is the problem. It is a toxic product being pushed onto people who are incapable of emotionally handling the constant barrage of addictive shit being thrown at them courtesy of these Apps on their phones. It is especially toxic to young people.

Do we think this graph is mere correlation, or can we conclude that there's causation here? Is it a coincidence that suicide in kids and young adults skyrocketed at exactly the same time that Facebook and social media platforms took off?


It used to be that if there was a shithead bully, you at least only had to deal with them at school. You could go home and escape them and have peace and quiet. Now that bully can follow you around everywhere you go, 24/7, and there are far more bullies now since young people love to be ruthless shitbags when they're behind a keyboard.

People love to talk about Facebook and Twitter in terms of the impact on politics, but that's really secondary to the effect its' having on teenagers and kids. It's proving devastating and more studies are coming out to confirm how corrosive it is for developing minds.
People love to talk about Facebook and Twitter in terms of the impact on politics, but that's really secondary to the effect its' having on teenagers and kids. It's proving devastating and more studies are coming out to confirm how corrosive it is for developing minds.
Like the tobacco industry back in the day, we'll see years of straight-faced, company denials before Congress finally does something about it (if they ever do at all.)