Where the gold haters at 23,24,25,26,27,28,2900? ⤴️

Damn, I don't think it's going to back test a 25 handle.

This is the anti-us, anti-dollar trade. With the two buffoons we got running for president, it isn't any surprise it's doing well

Miners are going to be raking in free cash flow handover fist 📈🐂
Gold now up 37.33% year over year.

VTI has made all time highs 7 straight weeks and is up 38.96% year over year.
Yeah I bought the buffalos. Pretty coin.

They are beauties I tell you what and a full ounce of gold not that half ass 90% shit. That's why I buy the Canadian leafs. They're a horrible shitty coin but the markup is low and it's a full ounce of gold

Can you imagine that tiny little piece of metal worth $3000. Were so fooked man 😂
They are beauties I tell you what and a full ounce of gold not that half ass 90% shit. That's why I buy the Canadian leafs. They're a horrible shitty coin but the markup is low and it's a full ounce of gold

Can you imagine that tiny little piece of metal worth $3000. Were so fooked man 😂

Good morning bag holders , friendly reminder gold loves Trump. Updating to a 28 handle
Gold is not a hedge against inflation, it is nothing but a commodity. It hit 1987.65 in may of 1980, 45 years ago, it is now just below 2800.
It is useful as a trading option, not as an investment.
The world is facing unprecedented economic and ecological headwinds like never before. I agree with the gold bugs that gold is going much higher over the next few years.
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The world is facing unprecedented economic and ecological headwinds like never before. I agree with the gold bugs that gold is going much higher over the next few years.
For now I agree it is going up, what it will be doing in 18 mos, who knows. Things change quickly.
Some people refuse to accept when shown the facts. We could see a short term sell off though to a 25 or 26 handle. Great entry points if so

> We could see a short term sell off though
> to a 25 or 26 handle. Great entry points so

Were in wave four tool bags. If you guys knew anything about technical analysis, you would know this is the last wave before blast off. Trump isn't gonna do anything to change the debt equation. Dude is a fiscal liberal and half the country thinks he's a jackass including yours truly

> We could see a short term sell off though
> to a 25 or 26 handle. Great entry points so

Were in wave four tool bags. If you guys knew anything about technical analysis, you would know this is the last wave before blast off. Trump isn't gonna do anything to change the debt equation. Dude is a fiscal liberal and half the country thinks he's a jackass including yours truly

Cupping. 25 handle
  • Haha
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> We could see a short term sell off though
> to a 25 or 26 handle. Great entry points so

Were in wave four tool bags. If you guys knew anything about technical analysis, you would know this is the last wave before blast off. Trump isn't gonna do anything to change the debt equation. Dude is a fiscal liberal and half the country thinks he's a jackass including yours truly

Great entry points. Too bad you already entered 20 years ago.
Thanks for warning us of the short term sell off potential after it already happened and gold lagged VTI by 12% since Election Day. 🤪
How are you doing tool bags? While you guys were citing CNN and celebrating the demise of gold, I held to my call of 2550 low. Actual low 2540

With WW III upon us hope you got some
Or just hold a market index fund and outperform gold on every medium- and long-term outlook.
The smart play is to do a bit of both, I have moved more of my $$ into cash now the election is done. will miss some upside to miss the coming downside. Protection mode. Had a very good year with the money betting on a Trump win, now will let things settle on reality of the mess ahead.
The mess isn't Trump related, just World flirting with war, head winds economically, and no matter who was in charge no easy fixes. Assuming best and worst case, I will do ok. Make 2.5% on the cash, and if market way up the 1/2 in stocks will carry me forward. If Market way down the 2.5% will buffer that hit. example markets down 20% with 1/2 cash I lose only 10% while making 2.5% on 1/2 of money so I would be down just under 9% and not be in a position where I need to kill funds for immediate needs. If I was 10 years away from retirement, I would be more aggressive.
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Wellness check on BK. VTI up 7.15% on the month. GLD down 3.18%. If you are scoring at home, BK just missed out on 10.33% of gains because of his obsession with shiny metal. Have no fear though. The next time it goes up 3-5% he will forget about all of this.
Another way to say it is VTI is worth 7.5% more currency than before
Gold is worth 3.18 % less vst currency.

so currency to gold would be a positive and currency to VTI would be negative.
Wellness check on BK. VTI up 7.15% on the month. GLD down 3.18%. If you are scoring at home, BK just missed out on 10.33% of gains because of his obsession with shiny metal. Have no fear though. The next time it goes up 3-5% he will forget about all of this.
Yep. Seeing the benefits. That’s why I have financial advisors that I pay and don’t follow then advice of message board geniuses.
Or just hold a market index fund and outperform gold on every medium and long term outlook.
I said bet on it, to me gold is for your play around $$ not long term investment. Most people own funds of different types depending on their goal, to me everything else is a trading toy

"This is what happens when the U.S. keeps printing ‘fake money,’” Kiyosaki told Kitco News on the sidelines of the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference. “Every time they add another trillion to the debt, the purchasing power of the dollar drops. Gold and silver don’t get more expensive – your dollars just buy less.”

Gold has gained nearly 20% over the past year, driven by record central bank purchases, inflation concerns, and geopolitical instability. “Rich people know what’s real. Poor people don’t. That’s the difference,” Kiyosaki said, holding up a gold coin. “This is real money. Dollars are just paper.”
How are you doing tool bags? While you guys were citing CNN and celebrating the demise of gold, I held to my call of 2550 low. Actual low 2540

With WW III upon us hope you got some
As I have said Gold is a good trading tool, just not a good long term investment. No different than Oil, Peanuts, Pork Bellies.