Who would turn down a free BBQ? Answer: BLM's Radical Black Farmer from Oakland


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
I will gladly take their place.

Black Lives Matter protester rejects Oakland police's offer to BBQ together

This outcome was a lot different than the one they just experienced in Wichita, where BLM planned a large protest march...but instead, the local police threw a BBQ and many of those protesters brought themselves and their families to the Police Cookout instead.

These Black Lives Matters protesters planned a march. The police threw them a cookout instead.
You don't look like you pass up many meals, señor gordito, free or otherwise*******************
Something we'll never be able to test.

Why is that?

My siblings and I:
Two went to college and have good jobs
One has a successful military career
One is in college right now
One is a waitress/office assistant
One was in the military and is now a pill head/alcoholic
One is a divorced former pill head
Why is that?

My siblings and I:
Two went to college and have good jobs
One has a successful military career
One is in college right now
One is a waitress/office assistant
One was in the military and is now a pill head/alcoholic
One is a divorced former pill head
So you feel those who are having problems now shouldn't have been provided the same opportunities growing up as those who don't have problems at a basic level?
So you feel those who are having problems now shouldn't have been provided the same opportunities growing up as those who don't have problems at a basic level?

No I'm saying equal opportunity does not produce equal outcome. The liberal message is that people are different because they are treated differently. People turn out differently because they are different.
No I'm saying equal opportunity does not produce equal outcome. The liberal message is that people are different because they are treated differently. People turn out differently because they are different.
I'll never understand where you all come up with some of this stuff. The liberal message is that people are naturally different, but shouldn't be treated differently because of it. Of course equal opportunity doesn't produce equal outcome, it should still be striven for.
In BLM's defense...
BLM: Death to the police!
Police: Here, eat this food we've prepared for you.
No I'm saying equal opportunity does not produce equal outcome. The liberal message is that people are different because they are treated differently. People turn out differently because they are different.
First time ive ever upvoted a bob post.
I'll never understand where you all come up with some of this stuff. The liberal message is that people are naturally different, but shouldn't be treated differently because of it. Of course equal opportunity doesn't produce equal outcome, it should still be striven for.
And yet you support all sorts of social programs and special interests that explicitly treat people differently.
I'll never understand where you all come up with some of this stuff. The liberal message is that people are naturally different, but shouldn't be treated differently because of it. Of course equal opportunity doesn't produce equal outcome, it should still be striven for.

No it's not. The message is that everything is so unfair. That successful people are evil and they need to be punished. That everyone needs to be spoon-fed so no one person gets more than anyone else.
I'll never understand where you all come up with some of this stuff. The liberal message is that people are naturally different, but shouldn't be treated differently because of it. Of course equal opportunity doesn't produce equal outcome, it should still be striven for.

Yea, except liberals DO believe in equal outcomes. Regardless.

Hence the massive crying about rich people and the notion that everyone else would be wealthier if only those evil rich people weren't hogging all the wealth.

After all, wealth is a finite pie.
No it's not. The message is that everything is so unfair. That successful people are evil and they need to be punished. That everyone needs to be spoon-fed so no one person gets more than anyone else.
It's because liberals look at the outcome, assume that unfairness led to the outcome, and then confirm their assumption.

The US currently outspends every other nation per k-11 student, significantly more than many that rank well above us by a significant amount, yet the liberals are still pushing more money for education. Every child has an equal chance at that money, actually in many districts schools with more minorities get more funding per child. Add into that auxiliary programs that are targeted to minorities.

The problem isn't equal access to education (unless you're talking about the elites versus the rest), the problem is that a large group of Americans of all colors aren't taking advantage of opportunities. Look at the rate of assaults on teachers in minority- and low income- dominated schools as a cardinal statistic. Those schools are hostile environments to achievement and no amount of money is going to change that. Nor is "awareness" or "understanding." It will change when the culture that causes it becomes unacceptable and people do something about it.
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That was corrective action taken by the government to make up for past mistakes. So yeah I'm ok with the government attempting to right it's wrongs. I support programs that treat the disabled and children differently as well, because they make sense.
That was a liberal policy meant to assuage guilt. That is not a good reason for policy.
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You should go read about US History to understand how dumb you sound.
Good strong argument. Bravo, oh brilliant intellectual progressive thinker. Why don't you also tell me how racist I am and how much better minorities have fared under Obama than under Bush because, you know, Bush was evil and stuff.
Is California BBQ any good? Regardless comparing the sentiment in Wichita to that in Oakland is silly.

Maybe Oakland Police next time will do what the Police Dept in Manchester, NH did when they posted this on fb:

Attention all area #PokemonGo players: we have recently found out that there is a #Charizard in our booking area. With the Charizard being such a rare character, we are only inviting a specific number of people. If your name appears on the following list you are one of the lucky ones. Come down to the station to capture Charizard. Hurry before the Charizard leaves!