Who's Overseeing our Pandemic Stimulus Money Handouts?


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
Back in 2008, the initial bailout of the banks was roundly criticized in hindsight because the US Treasury kept horrible records of 'little' details like: 1) who go the money and; 2) how much money they got. In fact, to this day, millions of dollars of taxpayer money is still unaccounted for.

So naturally, one of the things that was a HUGE haggling point in the negotiations over Congress's stimulus package was Congressional oversight of the 500 billion dollar slush fund to be given to big corporations to help them through this economic downturn.

The original Senate proposal had Steve Mnuchin and his Treasury Dept. making the decisions without any outside oversight. At the time this was being debated, Trump bristled that no outside oversight was needed because he was personally going to oversee it.

Fortunately, there was a happy ending: the final bill that was passed requires Congressional oversight. YAY! A win for accountability!!!

B-B-But..WAIT...breaking news this week!!!

"President Trump has removed the official in charge of (this oversight.) Glenn Fire, the acting inspector general for the Defense Department, was the chair of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee. The group is charged with preventing "waste, fraud, and abuse" of the relief money.

“Mr. Fine is no longer on the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee," a spokeswoman for the Pentagon inspector general’s office said. Fine will return to his post as principal deputy inspector general of the Pentagon."

But I suppose there is nothing for us to be concerned about with this development. We all know Trump would never give a middle finger to Congress when it comes to oversight, right guys?*

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Back in 2008, the initial bailout of the banks was roundly criticized in hindsight because the US Treasury kept horrible records of 'little' details like: 1) who go the money and; 2) how much money they got. In fact, to this day, millions of dollars of taxpayer money is still unaccounted for.

So naturally, one of the things that was a HUGE haggling point in the negotiations over Congress's stimulus package was Congressional oversight of the 500 billion dollar slush fund to be given to big corporations to help them through this economic downturn.

The original Senate proposal had Steve Mnuchin and his Treasury Dept. making the decisions without any outside oversight. At the time this was being debated, Trump bristled that no outside oversight was needed because he was personally going to oversee it.

Fortunately, there was a happy ending: the final bill that was passed requires Congressional oversight. YAY! A win for accountability!!!

B-B-But..WAIT...breaking news this week!!!

"President Trump has removed the official in charge of (this oversight.) Glenn Fire, the acting inspector general for the Defense Department, was the chair of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee. The group is charged with preventing "waste, fraud, and abuse" of the relief money.

“Mr. Fine is no longer on the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee," a spokeswoman for the Pentagon inspector general’s office said. Fine will return to his post as principal deputy inspector general of the Pentagon."

But I suppose there is nothing for us to be concerned about with this development. We all know Trump would never give a middle finger to Congress when it comes to oversight, right guys?*

Not surprising. This is what they always do. It's utterly ridiculous.
Back in 2008, the initial bailout of the banks was roundly criticized in hindsight because the US Treasury kept horrible records of 'little' details like: 1) who go the money and; 2) how much money they got. In fact, to this day, millions of dollars of taxpayer money is still unaccounted for.

So naturally, one of the things that was a HUGE haggling point in the negotiations over Congress's stimulus package was Congressional oversight of the 500 billion dollar slush fund to be given to big corporations to help them through this economic downturn.

The original Senate proposal had Steve Mnuchin and his Treasury Dept. making the decisions without any outside oversight. At the time this was being debated, Trump bristled that no outside oversight was needed because he was personally going to oversee it.

Fortunately, there was a happy ending: the final bill that was passed requires Congressional oversight. YAY! A win for accountability!!!

B-B-But..WAIT...breaking news this week!!!

"President Trump has removed the official in charge of (this oversight.) Glenn Fire, the acting inspector general for the Defense Department, was the chair of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee. The group is charged with preventing "waste, fraud, and abuse" of the relief money.

“Mr. Fine is no longer on the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee," a spokeswoman for the Pentagon inspector general’s office said. Fine will return to his post as principal deputy inspector general of the Pentagon."

But I suppose there is nothing for us to be concerned about with this development. We all know Trump would never give a middle finger to Congress when it comes to oversight, right guys?*

The current administration can't be more criminal. More frump good-fellas running the money show.
Does it really matter. Waste, fraud, and theft will be the order of the day, and who is doing it, doesn't change it.
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OMG, 3 years later, Trump finally starts purging Obama era holdovers from the IG’s offices. After years of leaks and questionable decisions.
He should’ve just followed the previous admin’s example and just purged everyone early on.
OMG, 3 years later, Trump finally starts purging Obama era holdovers from the IG’s offices. After years of leaks and questionable decisions.
He should’ve just followed the previous admin’s example and just purged everyone early on.
Bush/Clinton holdovers?
OMG, 3 years later, Trump finally starts purging Obama era holdovers from the IG’s offices. After years of leaks and questionable decisions.
What? Inspector Generals are there to question questionable decisions.

Once upon a time, a well-run government was all about checks and balances. Seems to me that whether we were talking a Democrat or a Republican administration, oversight from an unbiased IG is a very fiscally prudent thing to have -- especially when it comes to handing out 500 billion dollars to big corporations.
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What? Inspector Generals are there to question questionable decisions.

Once upon a time, a well-run government was all about checks and balances.

When did you ever see a well-run Government. I am almost 65 and I've never seen one. You must live on a different planet than me. Welcome to earth my friend. To bad you had to land in corn shuckerville.
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Let me get this straight: Your argument is we shouldn't worry about oversight of a 500 billion dollars corporate handout program because government sucks anyway?

You are responding to a legitimate moron. @goodknightfl throws out baseless senile claims and completely lacks the spine to back them up when called out.

I'm still waiting on his proof that I support biden.

He's just a senile old man.
Let me get this straight: Your argument is we shouldn't worry about oversight of a 500 billion dollars corporate handout program because government sucks anyway?
Don’t worry, old chap. Pelosi will provide plenty of oversight for us all.
Let me get this straight: Your argument is we shouldn't worry about oversight of a 500 billion dollars corporate handout program because government sucks anyway?

No need, most of the bureaucrats, are left over Obama Homies, what could go wrong. "Shovel ready projects were not as shovel ready as expected." On a side note $2400 went into my account today.
**July Update**
The 500 Billion dollar corporate slush fund (er, I mean emergency economic support) has all been dispersed aaaaaaaand guess what?

Despite the Congressional oversight stipulation included in the bill that was passed -- and after the Inspector General assigned to this important task got ousted -- nobody outside of Trump and the Treasury knows who got the money and how much they got.

Crazyhole said he would join me in protest if members of the cruise industry -- who all legally reside in various Caribbean islands to avoid paying US taxes -- got a chunk of that money. Doggone it, I guess we'll never know.

Meanwhile, extending desperately-needed unemployment benefits is stalled in Congress because, get this, Republican Senators feel its too expensive.
**July Update**
The 500 Billion dollar corporate slush fund (er, I mean emergency economic support) has all been dispersed aaaaaaaand guess what?

Despite the Congressional oversight stipulation included in the bill that was passed -- and after the Inspector General assigned to this important task got ousted -- nobody outside of Trump and the Treasury knows who got the money and how much they got.

Crazyhole said he would join me in protest if members of the cruise industry -- who all legally reside in various Caribbean islands to avoid paying US taxes -- got a chunk of that money. Doggone it, I guess we'll never know.

Meanwhile, extending desperately-needed unemployment benefits is stalled in Congress because, get this, Republican Senators feel its too expensive.
It probably is too expensive.
Back in 2008, the initial bailout of the banks was roundly criticized in hindsight because the US Treasury kept horrible records of 'little' details like: 1) who go the money and; 2) how much money they got. In fact, to this day, millions of dollars of taxpayer money is still unaccounted for.

So naturally, one of the things that was a HUGE haggling point in the negotiations over Congress's stimulus package was Congressional oversight of the 500 billion dollar slush fund to be given to big corporations to help them through this economic downturn.

The original Senate proposal had Steve Mnuchin and his Treasury Dept. making the decisions without any outside oversight. At the time this was being debated, Trump bristled that no outside oversight was needed because he was personally going to oversee it.

Fortunately, there was a happy ending: the final bill that was passed requires Congressional oversight. YAY! A win for accountability!!!

B-B-But..WAIT...breaking news this week!!!

"President Trump has removed the official in charge of (this oversight.) Glenn Fire, the acting inspector general for the Defense Department, was the chair of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee. The group is charged with preventing "waste, fraud, and abuse" of the relief money.

“Mr. Fine is no longer on the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee," a spokeswoman for the Pentagon inspector general’s office said. Fine will return to his post as principal deputy inspector general of the Pentagon."

But I suppose there is nothing for us to be concerned about with this development. We all know Trump would never give a middle finger to Congress when it comes to oversight, right guys?*

Apparently a lot of Trump owned business are profiting well.
Apparently a lot of Trump owned business are profiting well.
I'm equally disgusted with the media for not making this a story. I mean, seriously, 500 billion dollars, and not even a blimp on the national news radar screen about where it went??

All Americans should know (well, except for the board's Usual Suspects who don't care how our taxpayer money is spent when Trump is doing the spending) who got money and how much they got.
Let me get this straight: Your argument is we shouldn't worry about oversight of a 500 billion dollars corporate handout program because government sucks anyway?
No I didn't say that, You said once upon a time a well run government was all about checks and balances. I am saying there has never been a well run government. and the bigger the government gets the worse it gets. If this or any government ever was well run it was before written history.
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No I didn't say that, You said once upon a time a well run government was all about checks and balances. I am saying there has never been a well run government. and the bigger the government gets the worse it gets. If this or any government ever was well run it was before written history.
Xerxes did ok.