YO! Semites!!!

It must suck for the left that the best they can come up with against trump is not being able to read a teleprompter.
Imagine being so goddamn stupid you still think Trump is fit to serve as president in August of 2020.

These morons have moved beyond just plain stupid, into treason territory. Trump is single handedly destroying America.
I'll bet all of those army corpse men are rolling over in their graves hearing a president mispronounce a word.
It must suck for the left that the best they can come up with against trump is not being able to read a teleprompter.
Actually, what it shows is he doesn't prepare himself. He doesn't know his subject matter when he speaks. He doesn't care enough to show the slightest interest. He makes this clear time and time again.
And, he doesn't know basic American geography.
What up, semites? I love you guys. Great people. I mean, trees. Great trees. Yo, semite!
So my wife has been working on this legislation for years and this idiot detracts the headline on goodness because he can’t speak.