Campus Unrest


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
It seems to me that the Media is trying to portray the campus protests as some sort of massive, antisemitism thing. I'm not naive' enough to believe there is no such thing as antisemitism. But the notion that these college students are anti-Jewish and creating a hostile climate for Jewish students on campus is pure bullbucky.

They are Anti-War protests, period.

They are the same kind of protests that swept across our nation's colleges and universities back in the 1960s. Today's protests are about the treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza as a result of the Israeli-Hamas War. It's about protesting the GOVERNMENT of Israel, just as the Vietnam War was about protesting the GOVERNMENT of the United States.

It strikes me as disingenuous when I see the nightly news shows feature the same video clip of the same woman in Arab garb holding up the pro-Hamas sign, night after night. Seems to me if there was SO MUCH antisemitism going on on our college campuses, the news organizations would have amble footage to show it each night instead of repeating the same one over and over again. I swear I've seen that same clip over a dozen times now.

To be clear, I'm against anti-semitism and I'm not arguing that there aren't some Jew Haters in those crowds. I'm just saying that's NOT what these college student protests are all about. As they sang back in the Sixties, "all they are saying, is give peace a chance."
It seems to me that the Media is trying to portray the campus protests as some sort of massive, antisemitism thing. I'm not naive' enough to believe there is no such thing as antisemitism. But the notion that these college students are anti-Jewish and creating a hostile climate for Jewish students on campus is pure bullbucky.

They are Anti-War protests, period.

They are the same kind of protests that swept across our nation's colleges and universities back in the 1960s. Today's protests are about the treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza as a result of the Israeli-Hamas War. It's about protesting the GOVERNMENT of Israel, just as the Vietnam War was about protesting the GOVERNMENT of the United States.

It strikes me as disingenuous when I see the nightly news shows feature the same video clip of the same woman in Arab garb holding up the pro-Hamas sign, night after night. Seems to me if there was SO MUCH antisemitism going on on our college campuses, the news organizations would have amble footage to show it each night instead of repeating the same one over and over again. I swear I've seen that same clip over a dozen times now.

To be clear, I'm against anti-semitism and I'm not arguing that there aren't some Jew Haters in those crowds. I'm just saying that's NOT what these college student protests are all about. As they sang back in the Sixties, "all they are saying, is give peace a chance."
They are chanting Pro-Hamas rhetoric and obstructing Jews from going about their business and threatening them, but no, they aren’t Anti-Semitic. 🤦🏻‍♂️🙄

Hmmmm…. Hamas wants all Jews exterminated and wiped off the face of the earth and these “peaceful protestors” are being pro-Hamas, but keep telling us how much they would like them to come over for Matzah Ball soup and Falafel.

Next you are going to tell us how the Holocaust and October 7th never happened
They are chanting Pro-Hamas rhetoric and obstructing Jews from going about their business and threatening them...
Apparently that's what we're supposed to believe. Are there Pro-Hama nutjobs in this country? Yep. As with any group, you'll find a small minority of the protesters across the country who fit that description. But they are the exception to the rule.
Hmmmm…. Hamas wants all Jews exterminated and wiped off the face of the earth and these “peaceful protestors” are being pro-Hamas
The vast majority of these college kids are protesting the war and the treatment of innocent Palestinians. Portraying them as Hamas sympathizers is disingenuous.
Next you are going to tell us how the Holocaust and October 7th never happened
These are people protesting against the deadly actions of the Israeli government in the aftermath of October 7th, not the Jewish people. Characterizing the protesters as a bunch of antisemitic Nazis doesn't help anybody.
These are people protesting against the deadly actions of the Israeli government in the aftermath of October 7th, not the Jewish people. Characterizing the protesters as a bunch of antisemitic Nazis doesn't help anybody.
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Careful, Ucfmikes. Using Twitter posts to prove your point reminds me of somebody else who posts here. ;)
Careful, Ucfmikes. Using Twitter posts to prove your point reminds me of somebody else who posts here. ;)
I don’t have Twitter. I’m copying and pasting from the Dungeon where similar posters like yourself were made to look foolish. These people do not give a damn about Gaza and Palestinians. Don’t be naive. None of them are protesting against ANY OTHER GROUP

The video on the left should be required viewing for all of the campus protesting retards.

The video on the right is just SMH.
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These people do not give a damn about Gaza and Palestinians. Don’t be naive.
Sorry. You and Joe are both falling for the same trap Boston uses that you both rightly make fun of. It's----> SEE? This post is ironclad PROOF of what I'm saying!!!!

You're just replacing nutjob anti-vax nonsense with a nutjob antisemitic professor. Okie dokie.
Sorry. You and Joe are both falling for the same trap Boston uses that you both rightly make fun of. It's----> SEE? This post is ironclad PROOF of what I'm saying!!!!

You're just replacing nutjob anti-vax nonsense with a nutjob antisemitic professor. Okie dokie.
You’re an idiot. Sticking your old fingers in your ears per usual.

Absolutely nothing to see here. Gtfo.
They can spew their hate and bigot filled rhetoric ,but they can't threaten other students. There is no law against being antisemitic. There are laws against threatening others. I believe in their right to protest and subsequently make fools of themselves. They cross the line with threats and expose themselves with their rhetoric to wipe out Israel.

The irony is these pro Palestinians think that by wanting death to Jews and calling for these things changes hearts and minds . It doesn't. It polarizes. There are eery parallels to now to the early 1930s when antisemitic rhetoric was ramping up globally but in particular Germany. It's troubling to me.

When bad people tell you stuff you should believe them. Hitler told the world in Mein Kampf his plan. He told our grandparents, well mine, and they thought, oh he is nut job , he doesn't mean it.

These people are telling everyone they want to wipe out Isreal . We need to believe it. I don't want to see my Alma matter used to project genocide to the world. It's embarrassing. It's shameful and disgusting .

Yet, I sit here believing in the Constitution and Bill of Rights and have to swallow these protests as that is liberty . Liberty is messy and in this case ugly. It's easy to defend speech you like , it's harder to defend their right when it goes against everything you believe. I believe in their right but hate what they are saying . That's where I am.
Who would have thought that some old white guy from Nebraska would be a racist or an anti-Semite. Shocking news

Riiiiggghhhttt guuuys?
The racist thing I get. The antisemitic thing ? How could anyone growing up in this country and see the horrific photos of the Holocaust, read the Diary of Ann Frank , read about Kristallnacht, and all that was NAZI Germany and still think it's OK to blame and scapegoat Jewish people? How can anyone hear those words death to Jews and not remember any of that ?

You know i think we read the Diary of Ann Frank twice in Seminole County Schools. I remember having discussions in 8th grade and 11th grade American history about the atrocities towards the Jewish people. I remember asking how did the German people not know?
looking back I think Florida's curriculum of the 70s and 80s was actually preparing us for today. It was preparing us the Jew hate would raise its ugly head again and we need to be vigilant when it does.

You can claim Isrealie military did bad stuff but you can't follow it up with death to all Jews, wipe Israel off the map. You can't blame some Jewish kid at UCF for what the Israeli government did.

First Germany blamed the Jewish people for their economic problems, then they started to dehumanizing ways to treat them. Then they ramped up the escalation of scape goating whipping the people up . Once you got them whipped up, make them wear stars, put them in ghettos , how hard would it be to put them in work and death camps?

Palestinians might have a beef, but everyone in the US should recoil in disgust when they hear death to the Jews on our college campuses.
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It seems to me that the Media is trying to portray the campus protests as some sort of massive, antisemitism thing. I'm not naive' enough to believe there is no such thing as antisemitism. But the notion that these college students are anti-Jewish and creating a hostile climate for Jewish students on campus is pure bullbucky.
Sounds like some line out of the mid-1930’s.

I guess when they set up concentration camps on campus then you will wake up
To be clear, I'm against anti-semitism and I'm not arguing that there aren't some Jew Haters in those crowds
Some Jew haters? That’s like saying there are “some” cornfields in Nebraska
The racist thing I get. The antisemitic thing ? How could anyone growing up in this country and see the horrific photos of the Holocaust, read the Diary of Ann Frank , read about Kristallnacht, and all that was NAZI Germany and still think it's OK to blame and scapegoat Jewish people? How can anyone hear those words death to Jews and not remember any of that ?

You know i think we read the Diary of Ann Frank twice in Seminole County Schools. I remember having discussions in 8th grade and 11th grade American history about the atrocities towards the Jewish people. I remember asking how did the German people not know?
looking back I think Florida's curriculum of the 70s and 80s was actually preparing us for today. It was preparing us the Jew hate would raise its ugly head again and we need to be vigilant when it does.

You can claim Isrealie military did bad stuff but you can't follow it up with death to all Jews, wipe Israel off the map. You can't blame some Jewish kid at UCF for what the Israeli government did.

First Germany blamed the Jewish people for their economic problems, then they started to dehumanizing ways to treat them. Then they ramped up the escalation of scape goating whipping the people up . Once you got them whipped up, make them wear stars, put them in ghettos , how hard would it be to put them in work and death camps?

Palestinians might have a beef, but everyone in the US should recoil in disgust when they hear death to the Jews on our college campuses.
Spot on!
Given that we're talking about a Jewish State, it's easy to paint all college protestors of the Hama-Israeli War as---gasp!---antisemitic and---gasp again!---Hama supporters.

But railing against the Israeli government's mass bombings in Gaza which have killed thousands of innocent Palestinians doesn't make you anti-Jewish.

Neither does creating a wide-spread famine crisis across Gaza.

Protesting the government's tacid support of the unlawful Jewish settlements on the West Bank also doesn't make you anti-Jewish.

It makes you someone who is speaking out against Netanyahu and his right-wing government.

Claiming the protestors support Hama and their avowed mission to destroy Israel is an effective way of silencing the legitimate concerns students across our nation are expressing about the conflict.

We rightly express outrage when Russia occupies parts of Ukraine. But when Israel unlawfully occupies large sections of the West Bank, it's crickets here in the US. Does pointing out that fact automatically make me anti-Jewish OR is it possible I could be a Netanyahu critic?
Given that we're talking about a Jewish State, it's easy to paint all college protestors of the Hama-Israeli War as---gasp!---antisemitic and---gasp again!---Hama supporters.

But railing against the Israeli government's mass bombings in Gaza which have killed thousands of innocent Palestinians doesn't make you anti-Jewish.

Neither does creating a wide-spread famine crisis across Gaza.

Prostesting the government's tacid support of the unlawful Jewish settlements on the West Bank also doesn't make you anti-Jewish.

It makes you someone who is speaking out against Netanyahu and his right-wing government.

Claiming the protestors support Hama and their avowed mission to destroy Israel is an effective way of silencing the legitimate concerns students across our nation are expressing about the conflict.

We rightly express outrage when Russia occupies parts of Ukraine. But when Israel unlawfully occupies large sections of the West Bank, it's crickets here in the US. Does pointing out that fact automatically make me anti-Jewish OR is it possible I could be a Netanyahu critic?
@DaShuckster needs a lessen on Human Shields and avoiding Civilian casualties

Don’t hear him posting about Russian targeting civilians after Ukraine did NOTHING to provoke them

Don’t hear him talking about the hundreds of thousands of civilians who have died in the war in the Middle East against terrorism

Don’t see him discussing ANYTHING about how many civilians were killed in Dresden and Japan in WW-2

When it comes to the Jews October 7th though which was their Pearl Harbor or 9/11, @DaShuckster Anti-Semite comes a runnin like a fly to fresh shit
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Protesting the government's tacid support of the unlawful Jewish settlements on the West Bank also doesn't make you anti-Jewish.

Lmao at tacid.

And there it is right there. I knew it wouldn't take long for the true Jew-hating to come out.

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@DaShuckster needs a lessen on Human Shields and avoiding Civilian casualties

Don’t hear him posting about Russian targeting civilians after Ukraine did NOTHING to provoke them

Don’t hear him talking about the hundreds of thousands of civilians who have died in the war in the Middle East against terrorism

Don’t see him discussing ANYTHING about how many civilians were killed in Dresden and Japan in WW-2

When it comes to the Jews October 7th though which was their Pearl Harbor or 9/11, @DaShuckster Anti-Semite comes a runnin like a fly to fresh shit

For the billionth time, the old man in Nebraska, who sits on his ass all day and only experiences the world through CNN and MSNBC, is on the wrong side. And then he comes running to a message board only to look like an utter fool. Seriously, there really is no difference between him and the walrus from Alabama or the lunatic from BAWWWWWSTAWWWWWN.

"It's not pro-Hamas guys!!!!! It's all the bad Jews who started this war!!!!"

Complete insanity.
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Sounds like some line out of the mid-1930’s.

I guess when they set up concentration camps on campus then you will wake up

Some Jew haters? That’s like saying there are “some” cornfields in Nebraska
Seriously, when is the last time he stepped on a college campus? When he graduated 77 years ago?

Out of touch doesn’t even begin to describe this. My God.
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Shucky 🤦🏻‍♂️🙄

It’s not education in’s tik tok. their brains are fried by 30 seconds clips that paint every issue as black and white and no gray area . And also this country is addicted to rage

either way it is disturbing seeing what is happening..that Jewish student at UCLA just horrible . oppose Netanyahu who deserves some
criticism but most of the protesters don’t even have an endgame.

I also think this war is gonna lose the election for Biden if things don’t cool down. part of the base coalition hates him , Gen Z sitting out in States like Michigan and Georgia can make a big difference and swing the Election to Trump.
oppose Netanyahu who deserves some criticism but...
Some criticism??!? No one person is more responsible for the current Middle East clusterf**k than Netanyahu. The fuel that charged the growth of the Hama terrorist organization can be directly linked to his moronic, hard line policies.
Incorrect. It’s not indiscriminately Don’t be dumb. Read the articles.
I have read the articles. Have you? Indiscriminate was exactly the way the Gaza bombings have been described by military experts here in the US---and we're Israel's biggest allies for crying out loud!!! What do you think the rest of the world thinks?

The whole situation is insanity. How do you expect to form a lasting peace with your neighbors by bombing the sh*t out of Gaza and creating a humanitarian crisis?
Some criticism??!? No one person is more responsible for the current Middle East clusterf**k than Netanyahu. The fuel that charged the growth of the Hama terrorist organization can be directly linked to his moronic, hard line policies.

I have read the articles. Have you? Indiscriminate was exactly the way the Gaza bombings have been described by military experts here in the US---and we're Israel's biggest allies for crying out loud!!! What do you think the rest of the world thinks?

The whole situation is insanity. How do you expect to form a lasting peace with your neighbors by bombing the sh*t out of Gaza and creating a humanitarian crisis?
In the history of warfare, they have been the most careful in avoiding civilians. You are wrong
Some criticism??!? No one person is more responsible for the current Middle East clusterf**k than Netanyahu. The fuel that charged the growth of the Hama terrorist organization can be directly linked to his moronic, hard line policies.

I have read the articles. Have you? Indiscriminate was exactly the way the Gaza bombings have been described by military experts here in the US---and we're Israel's biggest allies for crying out loud!!! What do you think the rest of the world thinks?

The whole situation is insanity. How do you expect to form a lasting peace with your neighbors by bombing the sh*t out of Gaza and creating a humanitarian crisis?

Basically everything you typed here is incorrect.

No one person is more responsible than Netanyahu. L. O. Effing L.

Honestly, you are deranged. Seek help.
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Basically everything you typed here is incorrect.

No one person is more responsible than Netanyahu. L. O. Effing L.

Honestly, you are deranged. Seek help.
Why did I get the feeling that there was going to be at least one imbecile who was going to defend a terrorist organization just to pass their day.
33,137 Palestinians killed in Gaza including more than 13,000 children says I'm right.

I guess you didn't read this part, dumb ass:

Meanwhile, Hamas continues to fire rockets into Israel from Gaza, and Hezbollah and other militant groups do so from southern Lebanon, prompting tit-for-tat fighting that has displaced thousands of civilians on both sides of Israel’s borders. Hamas is still holding hostages taken during the Oct. 7 raid, as well as the bodies of some who died in captivity. And cease-fire talks stretch on with no end in sight.

You sincerely cannot be this stupid.
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