4 of 5 white FL D Governor Candidates skip NCAAP debate; NCAAP pissed


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
This picture was both funny and sort of sad:


The NAACP even admits what we already thought: 1.) D's take the black vote for granted and spend little to no time listening to them and 2.) the white candidates are just assuming that the black voters will monolithically vote for the black guy.

To be fair I guess, that table and name signs are very high school'esque.
The fact is that THIS debate was ONLY for democrats. Has zero to do with Republicans. I know some of u welfare recipients want to spin it but, the debate was a test for only democrats. Meaning, if 4 out of 5 dont show....they either dont care or believe that the crowd doesn't need/cant analyze policies. Sad.

The story is about how the super compassionate democrats dont listen, nor apparently care, about their black voter base. They know spoon feeding them on commercials is just as effective and less time consuming.
When the other side is running with the literal KKK you don't have to try that hard. Maybe republicans should make this an actual battle and kick out the racists. (They won't)

lol you're seriously pathetic dude. Are you still denying the fact that some of the biggest racists in this country are white liberals in the northeast?

Question: is it just a coincidence that the quality of life for black Americans is worst in big metro cities run by........Democrats? Do you think Rahm Emannuel gives 2 shits that the black parts of Chicago are under siege every single weekend?
When the other side is running with the literal KKK you don't have to try that hard. Maybe republicans should make this an actual battle and kick out the racists. (They won't)

So when is this KKK Member AND Democratic Senator's Statue coming down again?

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Herp derp, Kanye West, herp derp.

Idk see how black people don’t find the level of being taken for granted.... RaaaaaaCisT!!!!!

Both parties generally suck so badly:

Why should the Dems waste their time going to an NAACP meeting, when Blacks will vote 90% Democrat regardless?

Also, Blacks are now the number 2 minority. The Pols would rather spend time kissing up to the number 1 minority.

The NAACP is already showing shemselves to be a bunch of fools, and it will only get more bizarre as the election gets closer.

Start the popcorn, everyone, it's going to be quite a show!

When the other side is running with the literal KKK you don't have to try that hard. Maybe republicans should make this an actual battle and kick out the racists. (They won't)

We all know the KKK are racists. Nobody cares about in 2018 they are insignificant (other than faux rage to make them seem bigger than they are). If you want to see the racists who hide in plain sight, just watch any uppity white person arguing against voter ID laws because "minorities don't know how to get an ID". THAT is racism that hurts generations.
Why should the Dems waste their time going to an NAACP meeting, when Blacks will vote 90% Democrat regardless?

Also, Blacks are now the number 2 minority. The Pols would rather spend time kissing up to the number 1 minority.

The NAACP is already showing shemselves to be a bunch of fools, and it will only get more bizarre as the election gets closer.

Start the popcorn, everyone, it's going to be quite a show!
That’s a legit general election question but a dumbass democratic primary question.
We all know the KKK are racists. Nobody cares about in 2018 they are insignificant (other than faux rage to make them seem bigger than they are). If you want to see the racists who hide in plain sight, just watch any uppity white person arguing against voter ID laws because "minorities don't know how to get an ID". THAT is racism that hurts generations.

That's wildly incorrect. The KKK just didn't randomly support the GOP. They like GOP policies. It's the platform of the GOP that appeals to the racist orgs. If platforms were neutral on racism you'd see at least a little split on who these people support.
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That's wildly incorrect. The KKK just didn't randomly support the GOP. They like GOP policies. It's the platform of the GOP that appeals to the racist orgs. If platforms were neutral on racism you'd see at least a little split on who these people support.

You are really dumb .... and love to play identity politics/class warfare, etc. etc. Anything to score a political point.

You certainly cannot defend everyone that votes Democrat. Like ANTIFA thugs who certainly voted for Hillary/Bernie..... and then days later are sucker punching people on the street with their faces covered in black masks like ISIS.

Nobody is defending racism .... and nobody that matters defends the KKK. If there are two options for President (or any other race) there are going to be scumbags on either side.

Your logic is a lot of what is wrong with politics today.
You are really dumb .... and love to play identity politics/class warfare, etc. etc. Anything to score a political point.

You certainly cannot defend everyone that votes Democrat. Like ANTIFA thugs who certainly voted for Hillary/Bernie..... and then days later are sucker punching people on the street with their faces covered in black masks like ISIS.

Nobody is defending racism .... and nobody that matters defends the KKK. If there are two options for President (or any other race) there are going to be scumbags on either side.

Your logic is a lot of what is wrong with politics today.
I love when Antifa punches Nazis. I wish I could see it more often.
If 100% of the KKK and Nazis vote for a political party, there is a reason for that.

No one cares to examine why Nazis and the KKK support republicans so passionately at such a high percentage?
I love when Antifa punches Nazis. I wish I could see it more often.

In a world where anybody that doesn't agree with you is a nazi, racist, hate monger, homophobe, etc. etc. etc. .... You are exactly the type of person that goes along with a Hitler type of movement.
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In a world where anybody that doesn't agree with you is a nazi, racist, hate monger, homophobe, etc. etc. etc. .... You are exactly the type of person that goes along with a Hitler type of movement.

LMFAO! You know you've been soundly beaten in a debate when you start calling other people Nazis, instead of people who say actual Nazi things like "Judaism is incompatible with Western society". Those are actual Nazis. You got destroyed in a debate and called the other side a Nazi like a 10 year old.
In a world where anybody that doesn't agree with you is a nazi, racist, hate monger, homophobe, etc. etc. etc. .... You are exactly the type of person that goes along with a Hitler type of movement.
Only Nazis are Nazis and i loooooove when they get punched.
LMFAO! You know you've been soundly beaten in a debate when you start calling other people Nazis, instead of people who say actual Nazi things like "Judaism is incompatible with Western society". Those are actual Nazis. You got destroyed in a debate and called the other side a Nazi like a 10 year old.

You forgot the asterisk.
Hopefully he won the debate...LOL


The picture is
If 100% of the KKK and Nazis vote for a political party, there is a reason for that.

No one cares to examine why Nazis and the KKK support republicans so passionately at such a high percentage?

100% of the criminals, illegals, stupid, and immoral vote Dem.

When the DNC pushes for prisoners to vote and give illegals a vote...they realize middle America is too smart and never fall for their shit.

Democrat slogan --- "If u r homeless, brainless, broke, dumb, or weird....we Democrats are HERE!!!!"
Your fellow leftists are out there punching everyone but Nazis. But you don’t care so OK.
That is correct. I don't care. Antifa scares the Nazis back into their trailers so if a few people have to get punched then that's the price of freedom.
That is correct. I don't care. Antifa scares the Nazis back into their trailers so if a few people have to get punched then that's the price of freedom.


Antifa hasn’t actually found a Nazi in 2 years. They’re out there beating people who don’t agree with them, beating cops, burning USMC recruiting stations.

At least you’re on record supporting left wing extremists who use violence to suppress free speech.

Antifa hasn’t actually found a Nazi in 2 years. They’re out there beating people who don’t agree with them, beating cops, burning USMC recruiting stations.

At least you’re on record supporting left wing extremists who use violence to suppress free speech.

Oh wow! They found a dickhead with a blog who lives in BFE Idaho. And sucker punched him. Bravo! That totally makes up for all of the innocent people, cops, and military personnel that have been assaulted by your fellow left wing DNC extremists. Totally makes up for your left wing thugs assaulting a disabled vet in a wherelchair in Berkeley.

The fact that you defend them says it all. You’re a lunatic extremist who is Shook beyond all reason.
This picture was both funny and sort of sad:


The NAACP even admits what we already thought: 1.) D's take the black vote for granted and spend little to no time listening to them and 2.) the white candidates are just assuming that the black voters will monolithically vote for the black guy.

To be fair I guess, that table and name signs are very high school'esque.

Maybe those Democrat Billionaires should have showed up to that event.

Wonder what they are thinking about now?
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