AAC Hoop Conf Game Attendance Rankings


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Attendance for most schools go up once conf play starts, so here are the rankings so far for AAC Conf Games just over halfway thru the season:

1) Wichita State 10,506 (5 games)
2) Cinci 8,844 (5)*
3) UCONN 8,667 (4)
4) SMU 6,587 (5)
5) Memphis 6,367 (4)
6) Tulsa 5,395 (4)
7) Temple 5,339 (5)
8) UCF 5,276 (4)
9) Houston 3,751 (4)
10) ECU 3,593 (5)
11) usf 3,079 (5)
12) Tulane 1,790 (5)

AAC Conf Game Average: 5,755

*NOTE: Home games this year played at Univ of Northern Kentucky
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Why can't UCF get more people to attend basketball games? I live near Atlanta and watch most games on TV and there are always empty seats everywhere. I turn on other schools games in P6 conferences and they have good atmospheres and packed arenas. Disappointing to see on TV. I posted this on another thread then felt it was more appropriate for this thread.
Why can't UCF get more people to attend basketball games? I live near Atlanta and watch most games on TV and there are always empty seats everywhere. I turn on other schools games in P6 conferences and they have good atmospheres and packed arenas. Disappointing to see on TV. I posted this on another thread then felt it was more appropriate for this thread.
They aren’t winning 80% of games and injuries aren’t giving anyone hope.
Why can't UCF get more people to attend basketball games? I live near Atlanta and watch most games on TV and there are always empty seats everywhere. I turn on other schools games in P6 conferences and they have good atmospheres and packed arenas. Disappointing to see on TV. I posted this on another thread then felt it was more appropriate for this thread.
For one thing, the basketball games are never in the slantinel as a story, second, I don't think they're promoting basketball like football. Sometimes the half time show is terrible. Many times there are super long lines for a limited food selection. Anyone else know of any?
Why can't UCF get more people to attend basketball games? I live near Atlanta and watch most games on TV and there are always empty seats everywhere. I turn on other schools games in P6 conferences and they have good atmospheres and packed arenas. Disappointing to see on TV. I posted this on another thread then felt it was more appropriate for this thread.
I don't think they are promoted well and the State of Florida has never really been into college basketball. Unless you play an entertaining brand of basketball it's hard to see casuals coming out, especially for 9pm tips on a Wednesday night.
Why can't UCF get more people to attend basketball games? I live near Atlanta and watch most games on TV and there are always empty seats everywhere. I turn on other schools games in P6 conferences and they have good atmospheres and packed arenas. Disappointing to see on TV. I posted this on another thread then felt it was more appropriate for this thread.

What’s ridiculous is fans from NYC, Boston and Atlanta complaining about attendance. I was at the game. I left a work dinner - free food and booze, early and drove across town to attend. I have the right to complain about attendance. Those who weren't there, can't complain.
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I am not complaining, no need to get panties in a wad! If I still lived locally, trust me I would be there also. I'm not complaining about the people that are showing up, I am asking why people are not? What can the athletic department do to get people to the games? Just because we don't live locally doesn't mean we do't care. If we ever want to progress we have to fix the lack of support. If we don't ask these questions and are good with the status quo, it's not going to change. I just bought season tickets to football for games that I won't be able to attend most of, just to support!!
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I've been to Witchita a few times. I don't really care about basketball and it would still be the most entertaining thing to do there. It's not a craphole, it's just boring.

Teams 1-7( with the possible exception of SMU and Memphis) are located in places that are cold right now and there isn't a whole lot to do. WSU, Uconn and Cincy have a history of success in this sport and fans get excited about it. UCF has not been as successful and it's warm enough to live normal lives.

The product UCF sells has to be better than the alternatives students, and the local community, have in order to increase attendance. Without a deep postseason run by UCF, I don't see that happening. Then again, I think organized basketball is kind of dumb, so who am I?
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True, a couple of good runs into the NCAA tournament would help! If Tacko comes back, maybe next year. Although, I thought that about this season for Johnny Dawkins.
I've been to Witchita a few times. I don't really care about basketball and it would still be the most entertaining thing to do there. It's not a craphole, it's just boring.

Teams 1-7( with the possible exception of SMU and Memphis) are located in places that are cold right now and there isn't a whole lot to do. WSU, Uconn and Cincy have a history of success in this sport and fans get excited about it. UCF has not been as successful and it's warm enough to live normal lives.

The product UCF sells has to be better than the alternatives students, and the local community, have in order to increase attendance. Without a deep postseason run by UCF, I don't see that happening. Then again, I think organized basketball is kind of dumb, so who am I?

You play street basketball, too!?
Does NBA Jamz count?
You know that's right.