Alabama is literally a shithole


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Aug 3, 2011
Stuck in traffic

Right now, dozens of train cars carrying 10 million pounds of poop are stranded in a rural Alabama rail yard. Technically it's biowaste, but to the 982 residents in the small town of Parrish, that's just semantics.

They want it gone. The load has been there for almost two months, and it's making the whole place smell like a rotting animal carcass.
To add insult to injury, it isn't even their poop. For the last year, waste management facilities in New York and one in New Jersey have been shipping tons of biowaste -- literally, tons -- to Big Sky Environmental, a private landfill in Adamsville, Alabama. But in January, the neighboring town of West Jefferson filed an injunction against Big Sky to keep the sludge from being stored in a nearby rail yard.
It was successful -- but as a result, the poo already in transit got moved to Parrish, where there are no zoning laws to prevent the waste from being stored

New York is literally shitting on Alabama. LOL.
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10 million pounds for 2 months? Damn that's gotta suck. Hopefully they get it gone before summer.
Thank my Creator I bought in Chilton County, after seriously looking at Walker County going up I-22.

BTW ... no way will I live in Jefferson County either.
Do NY and NJ not have reclamation plants? We're greenies but we ship our waste out of state.
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Do NY and NJ not have reclamation plants? We're greenies but we ship our waste out of state.
Don't get me started on this. I have a lot of Progressive colleagues in NY that I literally have to laugh at.

That said ... I'm seriously considering dropping $200K for 150+ acres and getting into stuff like this (not this, per se ... as of right now, but possibly this too now). One of the places I was looking at was Walker county too. ;)
No wonder property values are so low
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10 million pounds for 2 months? Damn that's gotta suck. Hopefully they get it gone before summer.

1. It is not “poop”. It is mainly the bacteria that is used to process the wastewater. It was probably in its way to a land field or a processing plant (there is one in Sanford) to convert it into fertilizer.